Ese arar en el Amazonas: Una herramienta al servicio del sistema fluvial más grande del mundo

Como parte de la Iniciativa Amazonia Viva, el Fondo Mundial para la Naturaleza (WWF) ha desarrollado y aplicado una herramienta técnica que ayuda a identificar areas claves para la protección y ayuda a abrir diálogo político. En Perú y Brasil se ha aplicado, con acercamientos distintos, a areas donde la producción de energía hidroelectrica impacta en […]

This Week In V-Carbon News…

The California Air Resources Board approves a new offset protocol for coal mine methane. But market participants say there is still more to be done with land-based offsets. The United Nations faces criticism over the administrative budget for the Clean Development Mechanism, while China and Africa look for alternatives to finance certified emissions reduction projects.

CIFOR Says Tenure And Funding Still Dog REDD

The Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) recently surveyed 23 subnational forest carbon projects in Brazil, Peru, Cameroon, Tanzania, Indonesia, and Vietnam. Their findings? Project proponents are driven to save forests, but a lack of demand and unclear tenure remain their biggest challenges.

This Week In Forest Carbon News…

Katoomba XX kicks off on Earth Day in Lima, Peru, and just in time – new UN Food and Agricultural Organization data shows that emissions from agriculture, forestry and fisheries have nearly doubled over the past half century. At the ninth meeting of the Carbon Fund, efforts to reduce emissions from deforestation did, however, make some headway, with Nepal’s, Ghana’s, Mexico’s, and the Democratic Republic of Congo’s REDD+ proposals approved. This unlocks a potential $50 million to $70 million in financing for each country.

Una región que marca la ruta sostenible: San Martín

San Martín es una región ubicada en el noroeste de la Amazonía peruana, en lo que se denomina Selva Alta o “montaña”. Durante los últimos años, sus políticas de conservación han sido notables, casi paradigmáticas, al punto que podrían servir de ruta para otras regiones o incluso para otros países. Su bosque de normas ambientales […]

Uniting People And Ecosystem Resilience For Food Security In Latin America on Earth Day

This week’s Katoomba Meeting in Lima aims to complement year-end climate talks there by focusing on how climate policy fits into the larger “landscape approach” that incorporates people, farming, forests, and water. EcoAgriculture Partners looked at more than 100 initiatives in Latin America to find out what works and what doesn’t, with surprising results.

This Week In Forest Carbon News…

The California Air Resources Board stated publicly that the agency will continue considering allowing REDD offsets into its cap-and-trade program, which could provide key demand for Latin American supply. And lots of news on standards and methodology development this week.

This Week In Water: Nature And The Nexus

Ecosystem Marketplace is gearing up for the 2014 State of Watershed Payments report. The report will cover the water energy food nexus and watershed investments among other topics. Meanwhile, EM is also preparing for Katoomba XX in Lima Peru where discussions will focus on aligning climate policy with other commitments that support resilient ecosystems and societies.