This Week In Forest Carbon News…

Forestry and land use projects took home 45% market share on the voluntary carbon market in 2013, according to Ecosystem Marketplace’s State of the Voluntary Carbon Markets 2014 report. Buyers such as National Geographic and Getafe are attracted to forest carbon projects because of their many benefits beyond emissions reductions. Getafe, a Spanish soccer club, is currently asking its fans to choose among three forest carbon projects in Latin America to offset its carbon footprint.

This Week In Forest Carbon News…

FIFA has pledged to offset direct carbon emissions from the World Cup just as Brazil became the first country to submit its national data on emissions reductions achieved by avoided deforestation—the first step in allowing large-scale REDD funding to flow. In other news, China’s carbon markets are inching into forestry, with one afforestation project awaiting validation.

This Week In V-Carbon News…

The Obama Administration last week released proposed rules for power plant emissions that are intended to be as flexible as possible while still being legally defensible. The news boosted allowance prices in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative while California and Quebec announced preparations for their first joint auction in November. Meanwhile, China is exploring ways to convert CDM offsets for use in their domestic emission trading systems.

This Week In Forest Carbon News…

In an exclusive interview with Ecosystem Marketplace, Heru Prasetyo, who took the helm of Indonesia’s new REDD+ Management Agency in December, talks about Indonesia’s plan to move palm production to degraded land, why REDD+ is the new oil, and everything in between. And in other news, teen activists won’t rest until the Girl Scouts ensure its cookies are deforestation-free.