This Week In Forest Carbon: Half Of Tropical Deforestation Comes From Illegal Activities

A new study published by Forest Trends finds that 49% of tropical deforestation since the turn of the millennium has been due to illegal land conversion for commercial agriculture. Fighting illicit activity in tropical forests can be dangerous and sometimes even fatal. Forest Carbon News also covers a recent photo report that documents Ka’apor warriors in Brazil capturing illegal loggers.

After The March, Time To Get Serious On Forest Carbon

The Peoples’ Climate March brought 400,000 people into the streets of New York City on September 21, calling for (among other climate-related demands) an end to tropical deforestation and protection for forest communities. More than 150 partners responded with the heavily funded NY Declaration on Forests, which aims to end deforestation by 2030 and restore 350 million hectares of forests and croplands.

With Lima Talks Over, Attention Shifts To Country Initiatives

The Lima Climate Talks wrapped up early Sunday morning with a bare-bones agreement on what constitutes a valid Intended Nationally-Determined Contribution (INDC) and a roadmap to year-end talks in 2015 that will begin with bottom-up proposals from countries and hopefully end with a convergence in Paris. With so little detail on INDCs, countries will have to step up individually by March.

Opinion: It’s Time To Get Real About Climate Change

The climate debate is shifting from “How do we keep global temperature increases below 2 degrees Celsius?” to “How do we manage life in the Anthropocene?” For the fact is that we’ve now entered a new era that we cannot negotiate our way out of, and we need to implement policies that manage the risks associated with temperature increases well above that threshold.