Quitándole la deforestación a los aguacates

Todo el mundo ama los aguacates. Saben muy bien, y son buenos para ti, pero nuestra demanda voraz por ellos, orillan a los agricultores del centro de México a cortar los bosques, lo cual acelera el cambio climático. Es un problema basado en la demanda que requiere soluciones basadas en la demanda, pero eso no […]

Taking the Deforestation Out of Avocados

Everyone loves avocados. They taste great, and they’re good for you, but our ravenous demand for them is prompting farmers in central Mexico to chop forests, and that accelerates climate change. It’s a demand-driven problem that requires demand-driven solutions, but that doesn’t mean you have to give up the guacamole just yet. Here’s a look at both the challenge and its solutions.

New School Will Teach The Ways Of The Water Fund In Ecuador

Nature and Culture International is establishing Ecuador’s first water school, an institution created to train municipal water workers in the skills required to join and administer a water fund. The water fund model continues to experience success in managing Latin America’s stressed water resources and the school is meant to help scale up its use.

How A Single Tweet Brought A Panamanian Chef And Rainforest Communities Together

Chefs across Latin America are leveraging cuisine as a vehicle for sustainable food production and forest protection. Here, Forest Trends’ Will Tucker explores how this thinking influenced a chef working in Panama City, taking him on a journey that began with a single tweet and has since led to a program sourcing rainforest ingredients sustainably while empowering communities.

Indigenous Climate Adaptation Tool May Soon Go Mobile

Brazil’s SOMAI Alerta Indígena platform helps indigenous territories plan for climate change, but so far it’s only been available in places with reliable internet. A new mobile app could spread the access and make it more responsive – but only if funding materializes. Thanks to Google, that may be about to happen.