Líderes Indígenas Encuentran voz en las conversaciones sobre el clima mundial

Hace siete años, los pueblos indígenas eran raramente vistos y aún más raramente escuchados en las conversaciones climáticas internacionales. Hoy participan activamente en conversaciones, con organizaciones como AIDESEP y COICA que aseguran que las prácticas indígenas son parte de las soluciones forestales implementadas bajo el Acuerdo Climático de París. Durante años, pareció que Juan-Carlos Jintiach […]

Indigenous Leaders Find Voice In Global Climate Talks

Seven years ago, indigenous people were seldom seen and even more seldom heard at global climate talks. Today, they’re actively involved in talks, with organizations like AIDESEP and COICA ensuring that indigenous practices are a part of forest-related solutions implemented under the Paris Climate Agreement.

Water Initiative

Reimagining Water Infrastructure  At Forest Trends Water Initiative, we work to mainstream natural infrastructure and nature-based solutions for water and climate security. We work to scale investments in natural infrastructure to safeguard water supplies, increase climate resilience and support thriving communities. The world faces a growing crisis of climate-related water insecurity as warming temperatures, increasingly […]

World Water Congress: Building a Green Infrastructure Agenda for the Latin American Water Sector

Tuesday, May 30, 17:20 – 18:50 Salon Cozumel 5, Cancun International Convention Center Green infrastructure – management of the ecosystems that provide and regulate water – is an indispensable complement to conventional “gray” infrastructure in achieving water security. One of the major barriers to scale for green infrastructure, however, is the ability to quantitatively estimate […]

Webinar: Alliances for Green Infrastructure – State of Watershed Investment 2016

Forest Trends is pleased to invite you to a free webinar to explore findings from our latest report Alliances for Green Infrastructure: State of Watershed Investment 2016. The report summarizes data from a global survey of program developers to estimate the size, scope, and scale of market mechanisms for green infrastructure. Thursday, December 15th 2016: […]

Finance & Investments for Forests

The world’s forests provide countless environmental services on which people and the planet depend, but those services remain undervalued in traditional markets and financial systems. Nobody wakes up wanting to destroy the rainforest. But our economy is structured in a way that provides clear financial incentives for individuals and companies to convert the natural, shared […]

Katoomba XX: Climate, Forests, Water, and People: A Vision of Development for Tropical America

Just months before Lima hosts over 190 countries to advance international climate negotiations at COP 20, Katoomba XX – Peru will identify opportunities for climate policy and finance to align with other public and private investments and commitments to ensure that forests and other ecosystems continue to provide critical support for stable climate and resilient […]

State of Watershed Investment 2016

It’s been a banner year for green infrastructure, from the roll-out of the Paris climate deal to Peru’s groundbreaking new water security strategy to California’s recent legislation recognizing nature as a critical part of its water infrastructure. In 2015, governments, water utilities, companies, and communities spent nearly $25 billion on payments for green infrastructure for water. More than 400 programs in 62 countries invested in the natural ability of forests, wetlands, grasslands, and other ecosystems to ensure clean, reliable water supplies for cities and communities, and to combat threats from rapid urban expansion and agricultural pollution.