The Territorial Governance Facility launches projects with local and indigenous communities in Peru, Ecuador, Costa Rica, and Panama

The Territorial Governance Facility (MGT; “the Facility”) was born from the partnerships between Forest Trends and indigenous and local territorial organizations in Latin America in response to their demands for more technical assistance and climate and conservation funding channeled directly to territories. Forest stewards have great need for technical and financial assistance to protect their […]

Natural Infrastructure for Water Security in Peru

Breaking barriers for Natural Infrastructure in Peru The Natural Infrastructure for Water Security (NIWS) project aims to scale up investments in natural infrastructure in Peru to safeguard water supplies and increase climate resilience. It is funded and supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Government of Canada. Peruvians are no […]

Perú21: Medio ambiente: implementarán 29 proyectos en 2023 para proteger cabeceras de cuencaas de cuenca

El Estado peruano destina más de 800 millones de soles en la implementación y gestión de desastres para evitar huaicos y avalanchas. Los expertos en medio ambiente destacaron este tema en el Simposio Internacional “Las Montañas, Nuestro Futuro,” encabezado por la viceministra de Recursos Naturales del Ministerio del Ambiente, Fey Silva Vidal, en compañía de Guillermo […]

How Peru is scaling up nature-based solutions for water and climate resilience — and what it can teach the world

If last year’s climate talks in Glasgow, Scotland are any indicator, we can expect to see even more urgent calls and commitments for scaling-up nature-based climate solutions at the upcoming COP27 in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. These calls recognize that nature-based solutions (NBS)—which include actions to conserve and restore critical ecosystems like forests, wetlands, grasslands, […]

Perú21: La Libertad: se inicia proyecto de infraestructura natural en cuenca del río Chicama

La Autoridad para la Reconstrucción con Cambios (ARCC) impulsa un gran proyecto de infraestructura natural que busca contribuir a proteger de las inundaciones y movimientos en masa a cerca de 45 mil habitantes en dicha región de nuestro país. Fernando Momiy, director del Proyecto INSH de Forest Trends, manifestó que “el cambio climático viene con […]

Forest Trends and rural communities celebrate the beginning of a restoration economy pilot project for water security in Moquegua, Peru

On Wednesday September 21st, Forest Trends, together with the Municipality of San Cristóbal-Calacoa (Moquegua), celebrated an opening ceremony signaling the start of field activities for the pilot project “Building the Blueprint and Capacity for a Scaled, Community-Based Restoration Economy in Moquegua, Peru” (the “Blueprint”). The event took place in the main square of San Cristóbal-Calacoa […]

Agencia Peruana de Noticias: Presentaron manual para facilitar inversiones en infraestructura natural

Tras más de seis años de trabajo en la formulación y ejecución de proyectos de infraestructura natural, el Equipo de Gestión Ambiental y Servicios Ecosistémicos (EGASE) de Sedapal presentó el “Manual para la formulación y evaluación de proyectos de inversión en infraestructura natural en el marco del Mecanismo de Retribución por Servicios Ecosistémicos Hídricos para […]