Resilience Dispatch #2: Forests and Public Health: Where Do We Go From Here?; A COVID-19 Update on Our Work

Schoolchildren in Huamantanga, Peru, examine a watershed model at their science fair. Forest Trends and partners are engaging upstream communities on environmental health as part of our work on water security in Peru.  In this edition Forests and Public Health: Where Do We Go from Here? An Update on Our Work Backyard Biodiversity Forests and Public […]

Launch: CUBHIC tools support rapid assessment of water quantity and quality benefits of nature-based solutions

Five years ago, the water utility serving Lima, SEDAPAL, made a bet on nature. The utility approved the largest financial commitment for natural infrastructure investment of any country in Latin America, to be funded by the monthly tariffs paid by the mega-city’s water users. Today, Forest Trends and our partners on the USAID- and Canadian-funded […]

Lanzamiento: Las metodologías CUBHIC (Cuantificación de Beneficios Hídricos de Intervenciones en Cuencas) permiten realizar una evaluación rápida de los beneficios de cantidad y calidad del agua de las intervenciones en infraestructura natural

Hace cinco años, la empresa de servicios de agua que atiende a la ciudad de Lima, SEDAPAL, hizo una apuesta por los ecosistemas. La empresa prestadora de servicios públicos aprobó el mayor compromiso financiero para la inversión en infraestructura natural de cualquier país de América Latina, que se financiará con las tarifas mensuales pagadas por […]

Connecting Indigenous Knowledge and Scientific Research for Improved Water Security

Forest Trends recently published a new research brief describing results from a study investigating the potential contributions of pre-Incan water infiltration infrastructure for water security in the Andes. The study’s results show that indigenous solutions dating back 1,400 years that harness natural hydrological functions can help to secure water supplies for the downstream city of […]

Forest Trends Impact Report 2019

When we founded Forest Trends twenty years ago, we wanted this organization to be nimble – to be able to move fast when opportunities arose. But even by our standards, the pace has been extraordinary this year. In this year’s Impact Report, we highlight the results of our programs, and important stories from the places […]

Demand for Nature-based Solutions for Climate Drives Voluntary Carbon Markets to a Seven-Year High

  The volume of transactions in voluntary carbon markets hit a seven-year high in 2018, according to “Financing Emissions Reductions for the Future: The State of the Voluntary Carbon Markets 2019,” a new report released today. The report identifies transactions equivalent to 98.4 million metric tons of carbon dioxide (MtCO2e), with a market value of […]

COP25: Amazon Indigenous Climate Action

When: Thursday, December 12, 2019, 1:15 – 2:45 pm Where: Blue Zone, Room 5 Join Forest Trends and Amazonian indigenous leaders, academics, specialized media, Peruvian government representatives, donor countries, environmentalists and UN and multilateral agencies to discuss Indigenous climate action in the Amazon. Invisible Contribution, Unilateral Compensation: The climate programs (NDC, ER-PD, ERPA) have neither […]