How Indigenous Technology Can Drive New Discoveries In Western Medicine

Forest Trends’ Beto Borges, Director of our Communities and Territorial Governance Initiative, talks to Dr. Steve King, EVP Sustainable Supply, Ethnobotanical Research & IP in a wide-ranging conversation on indigenous technology, a game-changing new drug developed from an Amazonian tree, and the next frontier in scientific discovery. This conversation has been edited and condensed from […]

Resilience Dispatch #6: Indigenous Knowledge

In this edition A Statement from the Forest Trends Team on Injustice, Violence, and Discrimination How Indigenous Technology Can Drive New Discoveries In Western Medicine Forests as Pharmacies: A Field Guide This week’s Resilience Dispatch brings you a fascinating story about how a US-based company, Napo Pharmaceuticals, is working with indigenous communities in the Peruvian […]

Siete regiones podrán beneficiarse con proyectos de infraestructura natural

Inclusión de la infraestructura natural en planes integrales para la reconstrucción de regiones deja atrás la visión de que sólo la infraestructura gris o física es efectiva para mitigar riesgos de desastres. En el marco del Día Nacional de la Prevención de los Desastres en el Perú, es importante recordar la importancia de la infraestructura natural en […]

The “Amazon Strategy” – How to Build Resilient Supply Chains and Food Systems post-Pandemic

The Amazon rainforest has been shaped for millennia by human occupation, but of a kind that is very different from the logging, razing for cattle ranches, and plowing for soy that we see today. Traditional Amazon systems have been based on diversity, not monoculture, taking advantage of a multitude of different crops and wild-harvested foods, […]

Resilience Dispatch #4: Connecting the dots: Communities, food systems, forests, and climate in the time of the COVID-19 Pandemic; The “Amazon Strategy” for Supply Chain Resilience

Pedro Miguel Schiaffino, chef and owner of Malabar and Ámaz restaurants in Lima, Peru, gets a very close look at a paiche fish on a trip with Forest Trends and partners in the Peruvian Amazon, part of a project building “Rainforest to Table” value chains for Amazonian ingredients. In this edition Connecting the Dots: Communities, […]

What Does COVID-19 Mean for Climate? A Conversation with Manuel Pulgar-Vidal

Forest Trends’ CEO Michael Jenkins sat down last week (virtually, at least) with Manuel Pulgar-Vidal, leader of WWF’s Climate and Energy Practice, for a wide-ranging conversation about the effects COVID-19 is having on climate negotiations, recovery planning, and leadership in turbulent times. Michael Jenkins: Thank you Manuel for sitting down to talk. For our readers, […]

Más de 120 funcionarios relacionados a Reconstrucción con Cambios serán capacitados en la formulación de inversiones en infraestructura natural y Gestión de Riesgo de Desastres

Con el objetivo de poder identificar, formular y evaluar proyectos de inversión pública vinculados a la conservación, recuperación y uso sostenible de los ecosistemas, funcionarias y funcionarios de empresas formuladoras y supervisoras, unidades formuladoras y miembros de la Autoridad para la Reconstrucción con Cambios (ARCC), se capacitarán en un curso virtual que comienza este 13 […]

The COVID-19 Pandemic: An Update on Our Work

We are preparing for social distancing measures to be widespread and for strong limits on travel until at least June 2020 and possibly as long as a year. This has required some re-strategizing on how we’ll do our work. On the ground Some field research and project implementation will be unavoidably delayed in order to […]

Resilience Dispatch #3: What Does the COVID-19 Pandemic Mean for Climate?; We’re Partnering with the Arbor Day Foundation to Plant 1 Million Trees and Support Indigenous Livelihoods

Our 12-month training program for indigenous leaders strengthens communities’ ability to govern large indigenous territories and protect biodiversity in the face of growing social and economic pressures. The program, run together by Forest Trends and WWF, is active in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. In this edition What Does the COVID-19 Pandemic Mean for Climate? A Conversation with […]