7 Lessons for Scaling up Nature-based Solutions for Water Security: Takeaways from the First UN Water Conference in 46 Years

Last week we were honored to gather experts and practitioners at the Nature Hub in New York City during the UN Water Conference – the first in 46 years – to share lessons learned on scaling up nature-based solutions (NBS) for water. The main aim of the conference this year was to accelerate action to achieve […]

Support as an Evergreen Society Partner

The next ten years will decide what kind of planet we pass on to our children, grandchildren, and loved ones. It will require a sustained commitment to leave an “evergreen” legacy of healthy ecosystems, sustainable agriculture, clean water, robust science, and strong communities. Membership is secured with an annual unrestricted gift of $1,000 or more […]

Nature Hub – UN Water Conference, New York

March 22-23, 2023 | New York City On the sidelines of the UN 2023 Water Conference, the Nature Hub will bring together NGO, corporate and public sector leaders for official off-site sessions, informal meetings, conversation and an evening cocktail social. We are hosting three events at the Nature Hub and members of our team will […]

Resilience Dispatch #30: Climate finance-savvy governments, markets, and communities

In this edition: Nature-based know-how Missed our last Dispatch? When net zero investing meets the “value-carbon frontier” Next month’s Dispatch: Systems change… and sneak attacks In this edition Carbon is a new global currency. This special series of the Resilience Dispatch explores how we can put more “money in the carbon bank.” That is, how […]

Forest Trends irá lançar recursos de treinamento em financiamento climático voltado a comunidades indígenas que estejam explorando os mercados de carbonos

Os recursos provenientes do financiamento climático estão sendo alocados, em grandes quantidades, em mecanismos responsáveis por remunerar proprietários e administradores de terras pelas reduções de emissões obtidas com a proteção e restauração de áreas que atuam como sumidouros de carbono florestais. Estes mecanismos, incluindo o REDD+ jurisdicional e o mercado voluntário de carbono, apresentam novas […]

Forest Trends to launch climate finance training resources for indigenous communities navigating carbon markets

Climate finance is pouring into mechanisms that pay land managers for the emissions reductions achieved from protecting and restoring forest carbon sinks. These mechanisms, including jurisdictional REDD+ and the voluntary carbon market, present new opportunities for indigenous communities worldwide – who are widely recognized as the planet’s most effective protectors of forests – but also […]

Peoples Forests Partnership Welcomed Four Leading Indigenous Organizations as New Members at COP-27

In Coming Weeks, Additional Indigenous Organizations and Companies Expected to Join the Coalition to Scale Direct Climate Finance to Communities  November 23, 2022 / On November 14, 2022 in the COP27 in Sharm El Sheik, the Peoples Forest Partnership celebrated its Second General Assembly and reviewed membership applications from several Indigenous and local community organizations […]

Peoples Forests Partnership dio la bienvenida a cuatro organizaciones indígenas líderes como nuevos miembros en la COP-27

En las próximas semanas, se espera que organizaciones y empresas indígenas adicionales se unan a la coalición para escalar el financiamiento climático directo a las comunidades 23 de noviembre de 2022 / El 14 de noviembre de 2022 en la COP27 en Sharm El Sheik, Peoples Forest Partnership celebró su Segunda Asamblea General y revisó […]

Construyendo: Inversiones de infraestructura natural paralizadas en comunidades con déficit del agua

En muchas partes del país, las inundaciones, sequías, contaminación de los ríos u otro factor como lo que ocurre en la comunidad de Tomasa Huarcaya, han originado graves problemas a las comunidades que viven cerca, quienes se quedan sin agua para su subsistencia. Gena Gammie, representante de Forest Trends, organización internacional encargada promover proyectos de infraestructura […]