Peru Will Look For Global Commitment On Climate Change During COP 20

It has recently been determined that the 20th Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC will take place in Lima, Peru with Peru aiming for a global agreement on mitigating the impact of climate change as well as advancing adaptation strategies based on environmental compensation and natural infrastructure that will aid developing countries struggling with the effects of climate change. 

Viceministro Quijandría, Perú: ?Necesitamos invertir mayores recursos y capacidades a fin de comprender las funciones del ecosistema?

Valorando Naturaleza conversó con el Viceministro de Desarrollo Estratégico de los Recursos Naturales del Ministerio del Ambiente del Perú, Gabriel Quijandría Acosta, sobre proyectos de mecanismos de retribución por servicios, pagos por servicios hídricos y ejemplos seguidos por Perú para la conservación de cuencas, entre otros temas relacionados.  Quijandría tiene más de quince años de […]

Vida, pasión y suerte de los econegocios amazónicos en el Perú

La dispendiosa biodiversidad peruana ofrece múltiples oportunidades económicas. Pero la ausencia de infraestructura y otros factores impiden su despegue. El artículo presenta una visión de actividades actuales en el area de plantas medicinales, ecoturismo, pesca y pisicultura en vista de los principios básicos de los econegocios o biocomercio del Perú. Poca gente sabe en Lima […]

This Week in Water: Peru Steps Up

Influenced by what many cities around the world have done to protect their watersheds, now Lima hopes to protect its watershed in the Peruvian Andes with the Watershed Services Incubator, while Philadelphia comes up with a plan to finance green infrastructure and provide incentives for private landowners to implement green retrofits. Also, Thailand is developing PES initiatives for soil and watershed protection.    

To Keep Their Water Flowing,Peruvians Put Money Into Mountains

Hundreds of millions of people around the world rely on clean drinking water from mountain streams, and those streams are increasingly at risk. The Peruvian Ministry of Environment and Forest Trends have responded with an innovative partnership designed to support a healthy mountain economy that keeps the water flowing – in Peru and around the world.

Peru Environment Ministry Confronts Water Crisis with Focus on Investment in Nature

The Peruvian Ministry of Environment (MINAM), working with Forest Trends and with the support of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), today launched the Watershed Services Incubator – an incubator for projects and an institutional commitment to the sustainable management of water through investing in nature and compensating the communities who are stewards […]