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New Site Tracks Corporate Action on Deforestation

PRESS RELASE: EMBARGOED UNTIL MARCH 25, 2015 – 11 am EST March 25, 2015 | Washington, D.C. | The earth loses more than 6 million hectares of tropical rainforest – an area the size of Sri Lanka – every year, and two-thirds of it goes to meet demand for palm oil, soybeans, beef, and wood […]


Corporate Carbon Offset Buyers Dispel Greenwashing Myths

PRESS RELEASE: EMBARGOED UNTIL MARCH 19, 2015 – 10 am EST 19 March 2015 | Washington, D.C. | A new report dispels the myth that companies purchase carbon offsets to “buy their way out” of taking responsibility for their contributions to climate change. Rather, companies that include offset purchases as part of their carbon management […]


New Report: More Than 30 Percent of Wood Used by Indonesia’s Industrial Forestry Sector Comes From Illegal, Unsustainable Sources

Editor’s Note: For the report and supplementary materials, please go to WASHINGTON, DC (17 February 2015)—More than 30 percent of wood used by Indonesia’s industrial forest sector1 stems from the unreported clear-cutting of natural forests and other illegal sources instead of legal tree plantations and well-managed logging concessions,2 according to a new study analyzing […]


Forest Trends Wins MacArthur Foundation Award

Washington DC, February 5, 2015 – Forest Trends is one of nine nonprofit organizations around the world to receive the 2015 MacArthur Award for Creative and Effective Institutions. The Award, which was announced today, recognizes exceptional nonprofit organizations who have demonstrated creativity and impact, and invests in their long-term sustainability with sizable one-time grants. For […]


El sector privado lidera inversiones récord para revertir la deforestación en los trópicos

21 de noviembre 2014 | Washington, DC | La demanda de compensaciones de carbono obtenidas a partir de la protección o renovación forestal creció un 17% en 2013 dado que las empresas y gobiernos invirtieron US$192 millones en esfuerzos para plantar árboles, mejorar la gestión forestal, apoyar la agricultura “climáticamente inteligente” o evitar la deforestación. […]


Private Sector Leads the Way to Record Investment in Reversing Tropical Deforestation

21 November 2014 | Washington, D.C. | Demand for carbon offsets earned from forest protection or renewal grew 17% in 2013 as companies and governments invested $192 million in efforts to plant trees, improve forest management, support “climate-smart” agriculture, or avoid deforestation. This value finances forestry that naturally reduces or avoids 32.7 million tonnes of […]


Nuevo informe: Desmonte ilegal para agricultura comercial responsable de la mitad de la deforestación en los trópicos

Nota del Editor: El informe completo, así como los materiales complementarios están disponibles en: WASHINGTON, DC (11 de septiembre de 2014). Un nuevo análisis exhaustivo publicado hoy informa que casi la mitad (49%) del total de la deforestación reciente en los trópicos es el resultado del desmonte ilegal para agricultura comercial. El estudio también […]


Nouveau rapport : le défrichement illégal pour l’agriculture commerciale est responsable de la moitié de la déforestation dans les zones tropicales

SOUS EMBARGO JUSQU’AU 10 SEPTEMBRE 2014 À 20 : 01 EDT/ 11 SEPTEMBRE 2014 À 00:01 GMT Note de la rédaction : le rapport complet et des documents supplémentaires sont disponibles à: WASHINGTON, DC (11 septembre 2014) —Une nouvelle étude détaillée publiée aujourd’hui indique que près de la moitié (49%) de la déforestation récente […]


New Report: Illegal Land Clearing for Commercial Agriculture Responsible for Half of Tropical Deforestation

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE UNTIL 10 SEPTEMBER 2014 AT 20:01 EDT/ 11 SEPTEMBER 2014 AT 00:01 GMT Editor’s Note: The full report as well as supplementary materials are available at WASHINGTON, DC (11 September 2014)—A comprehensive new analysis released today says that nearly half (49%) of all recent tropical deforestation is the result of illegal […]


New Report: In 2013, $12.3B Flowed to Natural Solutions to the Global Water Crisis

2 September 2014 | Washington, D.C. | Last year, governments and companies invested $12.3 billion (B) in initiatives implementing nature-based solutions to sustain the world’s clean water supplies. According to a new report from Forest Trends’ Ecosystem Marketplace, this funding – which supports healthy watersheds that naturally filter water, absorb storm surge, and perform other […]

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Please direct all media inquiries to:

Genevieve Bennett
Director of Communications
+1 202-298-3007
[email protected]