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FT IN THE NEWS Climate Investments

BusinessGreen: ‘Those criticising should take note’: Study reveals how firms buying carbon credits are ‘outperforming’ peers on climate action

NGOs warn against dismissing voluntary carbon market as ‘greenwashing’ exercise, as EM study shows corporate buyers are more likely to be climate action leaders.

FT IN THE NEWS Climate Investments

South China Morning Post: Firms such as Hong Kong’s Swire that use credits to offset carbon footprint are more likely to see lower emissions, report says

Companies buying credits to offset their carbon footprint are more likely to report lower emissions and invest more in their reduction, compared with businesses not taking part in voluntary carbon markets, according to a report by data compiler Ecosystem Marketplace.

FT IN THE NEWS Climate Investments

S&P Global: Carbon credits buyers outperforming peers in climate action: study

A new study by Forest Trends’ Ecosystem Marketplace showed that participation in the voluntary carbon market is a signal that a company is likely already addressing climate change in its direct operations and throughout the value chains.

FT IN THE NEWS Communities Forests

EU deforestation-free rule ‘highly challenging’ for SE Asia smallholders, experts say

Millions of small-scale farmers in mainland Southeast Asia are at risk of losing access to European forest commodity supply chains unless serious action is taken to help them comply with the new EU deforestation-free regulation. FPTF Managing Director, Phuc Xuan To, lays out challenges and what is at stake for smallholders.

FT IN THE NEWS Climate Investments

Reuters: Carbon credit market confidence ebbs as big names retreat

Voluntary carbon markets have shrunk for the first time in at least seven years. However, EM Managing Director, Stephen Donofrio, says that companies are still moving in the right direction and putting an emphasis on higher quality, more expensive credits.


Vietnam+: Vietnam exerting efforts to realize net zero commitment

Vietnam is working to achieve its COP21 commitment of net-zero GHG emissions by 2050. At the 4th meeting of the national steering committee for implementing this commitment, the PM requested ministries, localities, and businesses to continue accelerating the implementation of the national strategies on climate change. FPTF Managing Director, Phuc Xuan To, offers his recommendation […]

FT IN THE NEWS Climate Forests

Nong nghiep: Minister Le Minh Hoan: Vietnamese agricultural products have many advantages before the EUDR

On July 25, the Vietnamese Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development’s Minister Le Minh Hoan had a working session with the Green Transformation Partner Alliance, including enterprises, investment firms, and domestic associations. FT Founding President & CEO, Michael Jenkins, participated. He encouraged Vietnam to act towards net-zero emissions as quickly as possible.


The Star: Vietnam wood pellet industry set for expansion

In the first half of this year, Vietnam exported 1.85 million tonnes of wood pellets to overseas markets, earning nearly US$300mil. FPTF Managing Director, Phuc Xuan To, provides further market analysis.

FT IN THE NEWS Communities Water

News Trujillo: Brecha de Género: Solo el 13% de mujeres son directoras en las 50 empresas de agua del Perú

Para promover la participación de las mujeres y hombres en los proyectos de conservación de los ecosistemas que proveen de agua a las ciudades, la Sunass publicó una Guía para la incorporación del enfoque de género en los Merese-h.

FT IN THE NEWS Investments Water

La República: Se invertirán más de s/ 32 millones en recuperar ecosistemas críticos para el AGUA en Ayacucho

Con el propósito de reducir la escasez del agua, las inundaciones y la contaminación del agua en la provincia de Huamanga, en la región Ayacucho, se iniciará la ejecución de un importante proyecto que permitirá la conservación y recuperación de ecosistemas críticos como bosques, pastizales, matorrales y lagunas en más de 6 mil hectáreas en […]

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Please direct all media inquiries to:

Genevieve Bennett
Director of Communications
+1 202-298-3007
[email protected]