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Triple Pundit: Reports Praise Corporate Progress on Deforestation, But Much Work Lies Ahead
The impact of the global palm oil industry on human rights and deforestation has inspired many NGOs to push multinational companies to become far more transparent about their operations and supply chains.
Yahoo! Finance: Does money grow on trees after all?
The world of investments, capital, stocks and shares can seem very far away from the natural world. The rapid movement of money from institution to institution, zipping across the world through transfers and clicks is the antithesis of slow-growing forests or reefs deep below the waves.
GreenBiz: Lima’s master plan for green infrastructure
Earlier this year, Peruvians were shocked when severe droughts gave way to tumultuous rains triggering landslides that killed at least 20 people, forced thousands from their homes, and — ironically — deprived many in the country’s two largest cities, Lima and Arequipa, of water when swollen rivers clogged treatment plants with rocks and debris. News: Cattle industry lags behind in addressing impact on deforestation
In almost every aisle of the grocery store, you can find products from the palm oil, soy, wood, and cattle industries. Together, these industries are responsible for more than a third of tropical deforestation annually, according to the non-profit organization Forest Trends. While strides have been made by all four industries toward establishing deforestation-free commodity […] News: Where the forest grants went
“If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll end up someplace else.” So said US baseball legend Yogi Berra, on the importance of having a goal in sight and a map for getting there. Those of us engaged in forest philanthropy — the investment of grants with the aim of protecting and replenishing the world’s […]
Fast Co Exist: Investors Are Pouring Money Into Conservation Efforts (It’s Actually A Great Investment)
From sustainable “blue economy” projects to restoration projects for wetlands, streams, and animal habitats, conservation-related projects have been drawing a significant amount of investor money in recent years. Investments that produce a financial return and a “measurable environmental result” climbed 62% from 2013-2015, a new report found, indicating that traditional divisions between conservation, philanthropy and for-profit finance may be withering.
Fast Company: Investors Are Pouring Money Into Conservation Efforts (It’s Actually A Great Investment)
From sustainable “blue economy” projects to restoration projects for wetlands, streams, and animal habitats, conservation-related projects have been drawing a significant amount of investor money in recent years. Investments that produce a financial return and a “measurable environmental result” climbed 62% from 2013-2015, a new report found, indicating that traditional divisions between conservation, philanthropy and […]
Civil Engineering: Growing Spending on Nature-Based Solutions Protects More Water Sources, Report Says
With growing recognition of the value of ecosystem services for protecting water sources, governments and other entities around the world spent nearly $25 billion in 2015 on nature-based solutions to secure water supplies.
Triple Pundit: Investors Put Over $8B Into Conservation: Can It Continue in the Trump Era?
On a mild, rainy day in Washington, D.C., America inaugurated its 45th president. The incoming administration represents a fundamental shift from the outgoing Obama administration. And the White House website was updated accordingly. Instead of a clean-energy future, now announces: “President Trump is committed to eliminating harmful and unnecessary policies such as the Climate […]