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NEXO Jornal: A nova corrida madeireira na Amazônia
Quatro anos após início da febre do pau-de-balsa, comunidades indígenas e produtores avaliam impactos de atividade que se espalhou por Equador, Peru e Colômbia.
Dialogue Earth: ‘Balsa fever’ brought hope and havoc in the Amazon. What happened next?
Four years on, producers reflect on the rush to cut and export balsa, a light wood used in wind turbine blades, which swept Ecuador and spread into Peru and Colombia. Featuring Forest Trends data.
La República: Perú invertirá 210 millones de dólares en proyectos de infraestructura natural para prevenir desastres climáticos
La Autoridad Nacional de Infraestructura (ANIN) presentó la cartera más grande de proyectos de recuperación de ecosistemas en la historia del Perú para afrontar los desafíos del Fenómeno El Niño y el Cambio Climático.
Food Navigator Europe: What impact will EU deforestation law have on Brazilian soy trade with EU?
Two powerful soy trade groups, the Brazilian Association of Vegetable Oil Industries (ABIOVE) and the Brazilian Association of Soybean Producers (APROSOJA), report on their members’ preparedness for the EUDR. Featuring a recent interview between Forest Trends and André Lima, Brazil’s Secretary for Controlling Deforestation and Territorial Ordinance.
Nong Nghiep Vietnam: Vietnamese pellets need to aim at the EU market
To sustainably develop the pellet production industry, Vietnam needs to expand its consumption market, aiming at the EU market, where there is still a lot of geographical balance for this industry. Phuc Xuan To, Managing Director of our Forest Policy, Trade, & Finance team in Vietnam, provides analysis on where he sees the wood pellet […]
Frontier Myanmar: Mangrove loss in Tanintharyi hits illegal charcoal trade with Thailand
The depletion of mangrove forests in Tanintharyi Region has constrained the illicit crossborder trade, even as prices remain high, but small-scale producers in Myanmar’s deep south have few other ways to make a living. Featuring Forest Trends data.
Vietnam +: Vietnam’s timber, wood product exports post positive growth in the first five months
The export value of timber and wood products in Vietnam is estimated to reach over 6 billion USD in the first five months of this year, an increase of 18% over the same period last year, according to General Department of Vietnam Customs. Featuring market analysis from FPTF Managing Director, Phuc To.
Nongnghiep: EUDR puts pressure on imported rubber and smallholder rubber
The rubber industry is urgently meeting EUDR regulations on traceability from large plantation rubber to smallholder rubber and imported rubber. Featuring insights from Nguyen Vinh Quang, an FPTF program analyst.
Việt Nam News: Việt Nam’s wood industry strives to match sustainable wood demands
Viet Nam’s wood industry has many opportunities for recovery in 2024, with the Forest Stewardship Council certification seen as essential mark for accessing global markets. To access EU markets, FPTF Managing Director Phuc To emphasizes avoiding deforestation and ensuring legality.
Perú21: Arequipa: Destinan más de S/4 millones para conservación de la reserva de Salinas y Aguada Blanca
En un esfuerzo conjunto para proteger los ecosistemas que generan recursos hídricos en la Reserva Nacional Salinas y Aguada Blanca (RNSAB), Arequipa, se firmó un importante acuerdo mediante el cual se destinará más de S/ 4 millones para su conservación.