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The Phnom Penh Post: Despite ban, timber exports to Vietnam nearing 2016 total
Cambodian timber exports to Vietnam over the first six months of the year have almost surpassed the total amount for all of last year, according to Vietnamese customs data, despite an existing ban on the trade – which one analyst said had “entirely failed” in light of the continuing multimillion-dollar trade.
The Cambodia Daily: Despite Ban, Millions in Timber Continue to Cross Border
Vietnam imported $142 million worth of timber from Cambodia during the first half of the year, according to the latest customs data from Hanoi, adding to the mounting evidence that Cambodia’s nominal timber export ban is being widely ignored.
Asia Times: What’s behind Cambodia-Laos’ border flare-up?
After much sound, fury and troop deployments, it all ended with an embrace.
Eco-Business: Where Will JPMorgan Chase put its 200 billion green dollars?
JPMorgan Chase aims to be 100 per cent dependent on renewable energy by 2020, and to funnel a staggering $200 billion into sustainability projects by 2025. A Nebraska-sized area of forest disappeared in 2015
A Nebraska-sized chunk of the world’s forests was decimated in 2015 because of wildfire, logging and expanding palm oil plantations, according to a new study. The loss is part of a continuing trend of deforestation that could have devastating implications for the climate.
Salon: A Nebraska-sized area of forest disappeared in 2015
Many countries have taken steps to stop deforestation, but the study shows that those efforts have not been enough to slow it down, said Gustavo Silva-Chavez, a project manager for Forest Trends, a U.S.-based nonprofit.
Seeking Alpha: Businesses Risk Lawsuits For False Brand Supply Chain Claims, EU Rules
Environmental claims by corporations doing business in the EU may be subject to lawsuits about misstatements regarding the origin and voluntary claims of the sources of raw materials used by corporations. With 277 palm oil commitments globally by a wide range of corporations, portfolio managers and analysts may want to be aware of these new […]
Climate Central: A Nebraska-Sized Area of Forest Disappeared in 2015
A Nebraska-sized chunk of the world’s forests was decimated in 2015 because of wildfire, logging and expanding palm oil plantations, according to a new study. The loss is part of a continuing trend of deforestation that could have devastating implications for the climate.
The Cambodia Daily: Vietnam Imports Cambodian Timber Despite Ban
After tumbling in April, Cambodia’s timber exports to Vietnam leveled off in May, according to the latest Vietnamese customs data obtained by the U.S. NGO Forest Trends.
The Phnom Penh Post: NGO report finds banned exports of logs to Vietnam increased
The ostensibly-outlawed export of logs to Vietnam increased in May, while the trade in sawn timber, also supposedly banned, remained substantial, new Vietnamese customs data shows.