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Read the latest commentary and analysis from our experts on the Viewpoints blog, and follow our latest work on Facebook and Twitter. News: Aligning forces for tropical forests as a climate change solution (commentary)
Tropical forests could be critical to avoiding extremely dangerous impacts of climate change. New strategies and commitments have inspired hope and driven important progress and innovations to slow tropical deforestation and speed its recovery following clearing, fire or logging. But forests—broadly defined—are still falling fast. News: Greater collaboration between companies and governments necessary to enhance climate action, report finds
A new report that looks at the collaborative efforts of private sector and government actors to halt deforestation in two key tropical forest nations could have lessons for countries around the world. News: The Republic of Congo: on the cusp of forest conservation
On the surface, the Republic of Congo appears to be making strides toward both conservation and economic development. But the process of becoming an emerging economy is not without its growing pains, especially when it comes to conservation and the country’s forests.
VOA News: Are Disney’s Cambodian Carbon Credits a Fantasy?
PHNOM PENH — The killing of three conservationists patrolling Cambodia’s biggest carbon credit project exposes the nearly insurmountable conflicts of interest plaguing schemes in which huge corporations such as Disney and Virgin Atlantic have invested millions of dollars, observers say.
Phnom Penh Post: Timber trade to Vietnam up – again
Despite a ban on timber exports and the government’s repeated declaration that “large-scale” logging has been stopped, Vietnamese customs data compiled by watchdog Forest Trends show a significant increase in the import of Cambodian logs and sawn wood in 2017.
Mongabay: Environmental reporting in Vietnam often a comedy of errors
HO CHI MINH CITY, Vietnam – This shouldn’t come as a surprise, but reporting on the environment in Vietnam is not an easy task. The one-party state was recently ranked 175 out of 180 in Reporters Without Borders’ 2017 World Press Freedom Index, between Sudan and China.
Triple Pundit: March for Science: Why Carbon Offsets are Good Science
Science has been around since the beginning of human civilization. It was the engine behind Aristotle’s ambitious effort to fly and even earlier than that, it helped the Babylonians fashion an understanding of time and their universe.
Business News Vietnam: Tìm “chỗ đứng“ cho làng nghề gỗ
Ngày 19/1, Hiệp hội Gỗ và Lâm sản Việt Nam đã tổ chức hội thảo “Làng nghề gỗ Việt Nam trong bối cảnh hội nhập: Thực trạng và các lựa chọn về chính sách phát triển bền vững”.
Nong Nghiep VietNam: Gỗ lần đầu tiên vượt mốc 7 tỷ USD
Kết thúc năm 2015, XK gỗ đã tiến sát mốc 7 tỷ USD khi đạt 6,891 tỷ USD, tăng 10% so với năm trước đó. Trên cơ sở đó, khi bước vào năm 2016, ngành gỗ đã đặt mục tiêu lần đầu tiên XK vượt mốc 7 tỷ USD. Tuy nhiên, XK gỗ năm 2016 […]
VietnamNet Bridge: Wood exports likely to reach $7.6 billion, surpassing yearly target
According to preliminary statistics from Vietnam Customs, from January 1 to December 15, the wood sector grossed more than 7.2 billion USD in export turnover, which is hoped to top 8.5 billion USD by the year’s end, including exports of furniture.