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Graphic Online: Weak law enforcement still a challenge in curbing exploitative labour practices
Weak enforcement continues to undermine efforts to tackle exploitative labour practices in the forestry sector. Despite an elaborate constitution and other laws that meet international requirements, Ghana’s lack of effective regulation enforcement impedes sustainable agricultural production at the national and international level.
HuffPost: The Entire Global Economy Is Complicit In The Destruction Of The Amazon
Name any fast-food restaurant, personal care product or home good you have bought recently, and chances are it contributed to the deforestation of the Amazon. Now name a big bank ― any big bank, really. More than likely it has helped finance that destruction.
El Comercio: Una técnica preinca de hace 1.400 años podría ayudar a que Lima tenga más reservas de agua
“No podían construir grandes represas ni conocían las avanzadas técnicas de ingeniería que en la actualidad poseemos; sin embargo, los pobladores del antiguo Perú desarrollaron un sistema hidráulico que les permitió manejar los riesgos de sequía en climas extremos. Los mismos que hoy podrían ayudar a mejorar el suministro de agua de la capital.”
Wired: Carbon offsetting isn’t a cure-all for your filthy flying habit
Carbon offsetting has increased in popularity and people want to know how it really helps.
Financial Times: Vietnam’s losing battle against trade abuses risks more Trump action
Financial Times article on Vietnam’s trade. Includes a statement from Forest Policy, Trade, and Finance’s Phuc Xuan To.
MarketWatch: Blame humans for Amazon rainforest blaze, say environmental organizations
Select dispatches responding to the surfacing evidence of climate change. Includes a statement from Ecosystem Marketplace’s Stephen Donofrio.
Modern Diplomacy: In Myanmar, Better Oversight of Forests a Vital Step in Transition to Rule of Law
For the first time, the Myanmar Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (MEITI) has opened the books to share information with the public on revenue Myanmar’s government collects from harvesting timber. Last month, the MEITI released two reports juxtaposing statistics on production and tax payments from government ministries’ ledgers with corresponding figures reported by the state-owned Myanma Timber Enterprise […]
GreenBiz: A Clear-cut Case for Business Action on Deforestation
The issue of corporate deforestation is on the rise, taking root in supply chains in a surprising range of sectors. And the risks to companies for inaction are rising, too.
The Irrawaddy: Loopholes in Myanmar’s Forest Sector Cost Govt Million in Revenue
YANGON—Internationally known for forestry products such as teak, timber extraction in Myanmar is lucrative. The website of the Myanmar Timber Enterprise (MTE) boasts that the “forestry sector in Myanmar is one of the major contributors to the national economy.” A new report from the Myanmar Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (MEITI) reveals that the forest sector […]
Gestión: Lima could increase water availability by 35% with pre-Inca hydraulic system [In Spanish]
Sistemas utilizados hace más de 1,400 años podrían aumentar la disponibilidad de agua durante la temporada seca en Lima capital del Perú, según una nueva investigación publicada esta semana en la revista científica Nature Sustainability, liderada por investigadores del Imperial College London, iMHEA (Iniciativa Regional de Monitoreo Hidrológico de Ecosistemas Andinos), CONDESAN, SUNASS, FONAG, Forest Trends, PUCP, […]