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FT IN THE NEWS Climate Water

“Voces por el agua”: primer encuentro sobre gestión hídrica sostenible para comunicadores

“Voces por el agua”, el primer encuentro nacional de comunicadores por la gestión hídrica se realizará del 14 al 16 de junio de manera virtual, y será organizado por la Sociedad Peruana de Derecho Ambiental (SPDA) y Forest Trends, en el marco del proyecto Infraestructura Natural para la Seguridad Hídrica.

FT IN THE NEWS Climate Water

La Republica: Revelan importante rol de la infraestructura natural en la prevención de la erosión y deslizamientos

Investigación sostiene que el manejo de ecosistemas es una opción efectiva para reducir riesgos de desastres y que pueden complementar a las obras en infraestructura gris.

FT IN THE NEWS Agriculture Communities Forests

Chatham House Forest Voices: ‘We must respect the boundary between farm and forest.’

FT IN THE NEWS Agriculture Forests

Mongabay: Estudio revela que palma aceitera y soya se cultivan en bosques talados de manera ilegal

Según una investigación de Forest Trends en América Latina el 88 % de la deforestación para los agronegocios es de origen ilegal. En la región, Brasil lidera la lista de países más deforestados seguido por Bolivia, Colombia, México y Perú.


Mongabay: ‘Drastic forest development’: Vietnam to plant 1 billion trees – but how?

After a string of deadly typhoons in late 2020, Vietnam’s prime minister called for the country to plant 1 billion trees nationwide by 2025 to reduce the risk of landslides and flooding.

FT IN THE NEWS Agriculture Forests

Mongabay: Illegal clearing for agriculture is driving tropical deforestation: Report

In a new report, NGO Forest Trends found that at least 69% of tropical forests cleared for agricultural activities such as ranching and farmland between 2013 and 2019 was done in violation of national laws and regulations.

FT IN THE NEWS Climate Investments

We Economic Forum: How nature can help carbon-intensive companies meet their net-zero commitments

For hard-to-abate sectors like transport, energy and aviation, tropical forests are a key tool for setting and following through on ambitious net-zero climate commitments;  The new LEAF Coalition offers a high-integrity platform for public-private co-investment in forests at the scale necessary to support Paris Agreement targets;  Nature-based solutions need greater transparency, high-integrity standards and clear […]

FT IN THE NEWS Climate Forests

Inside Climate News: Trees Fell Faster in the Years Since Companies and Governments Promised to Stop Cutting Them Down

In the seven years since governments and corporations promised to stop deforestation, the clear cutting of critically important tropical forests has instead increased by more than 50 percent, a new report shows, with commercial agriculture driving most of the increase.

FT IN THE NEWS Climate Communities Water

BBC: Why Peru is reviving a pre-Incan technology for water

Peru is turning to ancient indigenous techniques and natural ecosystems to keep its taps running, as climate change threatens to dry out its water supply.


Voice of Vietnam: Rubber industry needs to develop production chain

Vietnam’s rubber industry needs to develop its production chain to meet the increasing demands of export markets, especially fastidious markets such as Europe and the US, according to experts.

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Please direct all media inquiries to:

Genevieve Bennett
Director of Communications
+1 202-298-3007
[email protected]