The National System of Conservation Areas (SINAC) processed 7,240 complaints related to environmental crimes between March 2023 and March 2024. These are complaints that are handled through the Integrated Environmental Complaint Processing and Response System (SITADA), where citizens can enter their environmental complaint.
Costa Rica proudly announced its first shipment of deforestation-free coffee to Trieste, Italy. The deforestation-free harvest was achieved through a pilot initiative led by UNDP, Costa Rican Coffee Institute (ICAFE) and CoopeTarrazú, the largest coffee cooperative in the country.
While this article is a basic summary of recent reports on the trade of Myanmar teak and sanctions, it also lists a few countries where some FSC-certified or “ethical teak” can be found (Indonesia, Vietnam, Laos, Costa Rica, Brazil, Columbia)
Click here to access the Global Illegal Logging and Associated Trade (ILAT) Risk assessment tool and to download the Forest Trends User Guide describing the functionality of the ILAT Risk Data Tool.
Click here to access the Cattle Data Tool.