Climate Communities Investments Water

World Water Forum

Bali, Indonesia

May 18th – 25th, 2024 | Bali, Indonesia

As the world’s largest event on water, the World Water Forum provides a unique platform where the water community and key decision makers can collaborate and make long-term progress on global water challenges. The Forum brings together participants from all levels and areas, including politics, multilateral institutions, academia, civil society and the private sector, among others. Learn more about the Forum here.

Forest Trends will co-host side events at the Nature Hub. Sessions will cover a range of topics on nature’s role in driving global water security, including nature-based solutions for water security, freshwater biodiversity, and regenerative agriculture. Learn more about the Nature Hub here.

Forest Trends Sessions at the World Water Forum

Climate resilient infrastructure: blending green and grey, traditional and non-traditional approaches to meet water security needs in a climate changed world

Tuesday, May 21st

8:30 – 10:00 am (GMT +8)

BNDCCI, Mezzanine Floor, Kintamani 2

There are a growing number of examples around the world where a combination of green and grey infrastructure is increasing resilience and water security for the short and long term. This session will look at some of the latest examples of blended & mixed approaches to green & grey infrastructure and traditional & non-traditional approaches to climate resilience, and it will look to understand how these can be replicated and improved.

Nature-based solutions / ecosystem protection and restoration to improve water supply

Tuesday, May 21st

10:20 – 11:50 am (GMT +8)

BICC, 1st Floor, Nusantara 3

This session will focus on showcasing the best practices and challenges for the implementation of nature-based solutions (NBS) for sustainable water supply. Specifically, it will focus on effective deployment of NBS and healthy water-related ecosystems; cross-sectoral/cross-governmental approaches that raise awareness, enhance technical capacity, and improve the policy and regulatory environment for NBS; and basin-level approaches that integrate ecosystem protection and restoration into water supply and demand planning.

Ensuring Gender Equality and Social Inclusion to Achieve Climate Resilient WASH for All

Thursday, May 23rd

10:20 – 11:50 am (GMT +8)

BNDCC, 1st Floor, Singaraja 2

Critical to achieving climate resilient WASH for all is ensuring diverse voices are not only part of, but central to, decision-making for climate resilient solutions at institutional, policy and community levels. This session provides evidence-based examples being used in the water and WASH sectors for amplifying the voices of the marginalized, who are at the frontline of climate change and therefore have important knowledge and solutions to contribute to decision-making processes to ensure climate resilient WASH for all is a reality, not just rhetoric.

See the full World Water Forum schedule here.

Forest Trends Sessions at the Nature Hub

Sessions and social events will be held daily from 09:30 – 19:00. More detailed schedule coming soon. See the Nature Hub webpage here.

Survey Demonstration for the State of Investment in Nature-based Solutions for Water Security 

Tuesday, May 21

13:30 – 17:00 pm

Nature Hub Demonstration Booth

Come discuss Forest Trends’ State of Investment in Nature-based Solutions for Water Security 2024 report with its authors and see a demonstration of the data collection survey. By submitting data, you will contribute to a new global baseline on investment in nature-based solutions for water security!

Charting the Path for Scaled Investment in Natural Infrastructure for Water Security in Peru

Wednesday, May 22

9:30 – 10:30 am

Nature Hub, BNDCC2 | PC01, PC02, PC06 (room TBC)

Speaker: Cesarina Quintana
Deputy Director, Governance, Natural Infrastructure for Water Security Project, Forest Trends

Te Mana o te Awa o Waikato: Restoring and Protecting the Health and Wellbeing of the Waikato River, Aotearoa, New Zealand

Friday, May 24

11:00 am – 12:00 pm

Nature Hub, BNDCC2 | PC01, PC02, PC06 (room TBC)