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State of Voluntary Carbon Markets Report – Washington, DC Launch

Baker & McKenzie offices, Washington, DC

Our 2012 report builds on a record data collection from an unprecedented number of offset suppliers worldwide to provide insights that will once again become an industry benchmark. We hope you will be able to join Ecosystem Marketplace for an in-depth look at our findings.
Attend this event to find the answers to questions like, “At what stage in the project cycle are most credits sold, and at what price? How did project-level REDD activities fare in the 2011 marketplace? Is there any relationship between compliance and voluntary market prices?”

Start: 4:30 PM, End: 6:00 PM. Followed by a reception.

To attend, RSVP by Monday, June 11 via email to Please provide contact information including full name, company, title, address, and telephone number.
If you would like to bring a guest, please also include their details.