COP25: Launch of the State of the Voluntary Carbon Markets 2019 at the ICROA COP25 Workshop
IFEMA - IETA Business Hub @ COP25
When: Thursday 5th December 2019, 12pm to 1:30pm
Where: IETA Business Hub, COP25, IFEMA – Feria de Madrid
Contact: Antoine Diemert, ICROA Programme Director
ICROA has embarked on a series of workshops involving market stakeholders, civil society and national governments. The aim of these events is to set out the issues, identify the challenges and develop collaborative solutions among an engaged group of voluntary market stakeholders.
This group will have a critical role to play in endorsing, rewarding and governing voluntary action under the Paris Agreement, and to ensure that private sector contributions complement and accelerate progress towards the NDCs.
Building on previous discussions at Innovate4Climate, COP and regional Carbon Forums, ICROA has developed a position paper on scaling private sector voluntary action post-2020. You can access this paper here.
Event outline
Forest Trends’ Ecosystem Marketplace will kick off the event with the launch of their latest publication, State of the Voluntary Carbon Markets 2019, sharing insights on current trends and sharing the latest aggregated market data.
ICROA will then present its most recent work and thinking on scaling private sector voluntary action post-2020 to help close the global emissions gap, finance gap and time gap.
Key stakeholders will follow with interventions on concrete initiatives that aim to operationalize voluntary action locally, and on the growing importance of domestic markets to incentivize further voluntary and compliance climate action.
Some time will be reserved for questions to ensure an active participation from all attendees.