Natural Water Infrastructure Working Group Series
Forest Trends is convening a series of sessions with small groups of experts to identify opportunities for scaling nature-based water infrastructure solutions within emerging federal infrastructure and climate resilience plans in the US. Natural water infrastructure is central to building back better in the US. Forest Trends’ goal is to advance an agenda for mainstreaming […]

ICCF Summit on Illegal Resource Extraction
Washington DC, USA
Competition over natural resources and pollution of our oceans, forests, and air threaten America’s national security and economic interests and damage the health of the planet. The ICCF Group will convene a summit in Washington, DC with the purpose of exploring the issue of illegal resource extraction and highlighting bipartisan efforts to address it. The […]

Extent and Nature of Illegal Deforestation for Commercial Agriculture
June 21, 2021 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM ET In this Forest Legality Week side event, authors will present on the study “Illicit Harvest, Complicit Goods” Forest Trends’ recent report on the extent and nature of illegal deforestation for commercial agriculture in tropical countries – including the finding that 69% of agro-conversion was illegal. Speakers: […]
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Conservation Perspectives: Experiences collaborating with local & Indigenous communities
Jun 21, 2021 12:30 – 1:30 PM ET How do organizations partner with local and Indigenous communities, what do those partnerships yield, and how can they be strengthened? Three high-impact organizations – whose shared approach to conservation is rooted in collaboration with local communities – are coming together to share their experiences and best practices […]

Negotiating a Public-Private Partnership to Protect Forests, and Support People
Innovate4Climate brings together business, government, and global institutions to unlock finance for bolder climate action. Join Forest Trends and its Green Gigaton Challenge partners Emergent, UN-REDD Programme, Environmental Defense Fund, and the Architecture for REDD+ Transactions for an Innovative4Climate workshop on “Negotiating a public-private partnership to protect forests, & support people.” The workshop will highlight […]

Webinar: Investment, indigenous rights and natural climate solutions
20 April 2021 | 13:00 GMT / 08:00 EDT By preserving and nurturing their rainforest lands, indigenous people create climate benefits for everyone. When these communities are threatened, we are all in danger. Please join Ashden, BloombergNEF (BNEF) and frontline innovators to examine how a market-based approach can encourage investment in natural climate solutions that […]

A Green Gigaton of Ambitions: Forest Solutions to the Climate, Biodiversity and Health Crises
How a novel approach to public-private forest investments can finally turn the tide on deforestation – a conversation between corporate and political decision-makers A UNEA5 Event Friday February 19, 2021 5:00-6:00 PM EAT / 3:00-4:00 PM CET / 9:00 – 10:00 AM EST Register here Large-scale investments in the forest sector, the most mature nature-based […]

Webinar: Sifting the Assortment of Chocolate Sustainability this Valentine’s Day
11 February 2021 | 9:00 – 10:00 am EST Register Mounting public scrutiny around deforestation and child labor concerns in cocoa production has motivated a growing number of companies to explore how best to achieve ethical cocoa value chains. With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, experts from Rainforest Alliance, Forest Trends’ Supply Change initiative, and […]

Webinar: Free Riding and the Exclusion of Indigenous Territories from REDD+ in the Amazon
Thu, Dec 10 / 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM EST (Human Rights Day) Read main messages here Webinar recording here Many indigenous territories in the Amazon are de facto excluded from climate finance mechanisms, with serious implications for both climate justice & achieving Paris Agreement goals. Recent Forest Trends research argues that these mechanisms aren’t yet providing just […]

Carbon Forward 2020: Can offsetting be a credible market solution?
Thu, Oct 15 / 01:40 PM – 02:55 PM CET Register here. From carbon reductions to nature based carbon storage solutions, the interest in corporate offsetting has skyrocketed, learn how carbon offsetting currently works in practice and what the future holds. With both the private sector and the issuers both seeking to set effective standards, […]