KraneShares Investor Day: The Global Carbon Transformation: Action, Innovation, & Opportunity
New York Stock Exchange, 11 Wall St, New York City, USA
June 3, 2022 / 8:30 am – 1:00 pm EDT New York Stock Exchange, 11 Wall St, New York City, USA KraneShares’ Investor Day at the New York Stock Exchange will explore opportunities arising from the policies and companies that are tackling global climate change. From carbon markets to companies in traditionally high emissions industries […]

Voluntary Carbon Markets Convening
U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission headquarters, Three Lafayette Centre, 1155 21st Street NW, Washington, D.C / Virtual
June 2, 2022 U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission headquarters at Three Lafayette Centre, 1155 21st Street NW, Washington, D.C / Livestream available for the general public at www.cftc.gov and CFTC’s YouTube channel This convening – the Commodity Futures Trading Commission’s first-ever on voluntary carbon markets – will gather information from a wide variety of market […]

Curso: Acceso al financiamiento para reducir la deforestación: Entendiendo LEAF y ART TREES
El presente curso estará dictado por especialistas en cada tema respectivo quienes absolverán las dudas de las personas participantes. Como material de apoyo se usarán siete (7) cartillas de capacitación elaboradas por expertos en el área. Las cartillas son de acceso libre y pueden citarse mencionando que son producidas por Forest Trends y sus autores. […]
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Mainstreaming Nature-based Solutions for Water and Climate Security: The Next Decade (Part 2)
Virtual Webinar
The second webinar in our series on effective, scalable nature-based solutions March 10, 2022 11:00 am – 12:15 pm PET/ET Register here for on-demand access. In the first webinar in this series, we explored how Peru transformed its infrastructure sector in just a few short years to publicly invest in nature-based solutions and the specific steps taken by the diverse actors that made […]

Opening the Tap: Peru’s “Silent Revolution” on Nature-based Solutions (Part 1)
Virtual Webinar
The first webinar in our series on effective, scalable nature-based solutions Feb 24, 2022 11:00 am – 12:15 pm PET/ET The COP-26 climate talks marked a sea change in global commitments to nature-based solutions (NBS) for climate, and especially interest in the potential of NBS to shore up water and climate resilience. However, few […]

Webinar: Dos Territórios Indígenas aos Mercados
21 de dezembro de 2021 15:00 Brasilia BRT / 13:00 EST Link de acesso: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwUQS45E2Qw O Webinário “Dos territórios indígenas aos mercados – Cadeias de Valor do Artesanato, Castanha, Cacau e Açaí” é uma realização da Iniciativa Comunidades e Governança Territorial da Forest Trends, no escopo do Projeto Nossa Floresta Nossa Casa, com apoio da USAID, […]

COP26: EKI Side Event on CORSIA
Turkey Pavilion
November 11 | 11am – 1pm GMT Location: Turkey Pavilion Stephen Donofrio, Director, Forest Trends’ Ecosystem Marketplace & Supply Change Initiatives will join EKI for a side event on CORSIA. His remarks are scheduled to start at 11:55 am. EKI Side Event Schedule

COP26: EKI Side Event on Paris Agreement Article 6
Turkey Pavilion
November 10 | 11am – 1pm GMT Location: Turkey Pavilion Stephen Donofrio, Director, Forest Trends’ Ecosystem Marketplace & Supply Change Initiatives will join EKI for a side event on Paris Agreement Article 6. His remarks are scheduled to begin at 12:25pm. EKI Side Event Schedule

COP26: Leveraging Technology and Innovation to Drive Greater Transparency in the Voluntary Carbon Markets
Glasgow / Virtual
November 9 | 13:30 – 15:00 GMT IETA BusinessHub | Register here Convenor: International Carbon Reduction & Offset Alliance (ICROA) For over fifteen years, The VCM has been a unique space for innovation to deliver and certify emission reduction and climate impacts around the world. This event will explore and discuss the latest developments from organizations […]

COP26: Innovations in the Forest Carbon Market
November 9 | 11am – 12pm EST Register here Convenors: Forest Trends’ Ecosystem Marketplace & 1t.org Join the US Chapter of 1t.org and Forest Trends’ Ecosystem Marketplace for a discussion on how innovations in the forest carbon market are making the field more scientifically rigorous, accessible, and scalable than ever before. Speakers Stephen Donofrio, Director, Forest […]