Katoomba Group Meeting: Marine and Coastal Group Meeting – PRIVATE EVENT
La Paz, Mexico
This timely workshop follows the first-ever Marine Katoomba Meeting held at the Moore Foundation in Palo Alto, CA in February 2010. The aim of this meeting is to develop the “blueprint” for realizing markets and other innovative financing mechanisms in the marine and coastal realms, building on the significant momentum generated by the inaugural Marine […]
Seminar on Carbon Credits: Challenges and Perspectives for Indigenous Territories
Brasilia, Brazil
The Communities and Markets Program at Forest Trends partnered with the Brazilian Foundation for Indigenous Affairs (FUNAI) to present and debate the challenges and opportunities around carbon markets in the context of indigenous territorial rights in Brazil. The specific objective of the seminar was to inform FUNAI and selected indigenous rights organizations about the state […]
Seminar on Carbon Credits: Challenges and Perspectives for Indigenous Territories
Brasilia, Brazil
The Communities and Markets Program at Forest Trends partnered with the Brazilian Foundation for Indigenous Affairs (FUNAI) to present and debate the challenges and opportunities around carbon markets in the context of indigenous territorial rights in Brazil. The specific objective of the seminar was to inform FUNAI and selected indigenous rights organizations about the state […]
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Katoomba XV: Integrated Solutions: Water, Biodiversity, and Terrestrial Carbon in West Africa
Accra, Ghana
The Katoomba Group is an international network working to promote and improve capacity related to markets and payments for ecosystem services (PES). The mission of the Katoomba Group is threefold: to identify and respond to gaps in PES theory and practice; share intelligence about new developments related to PES markets; and address key PES challenges, […]
Katoomba XIII: Taking Stock and Charting a Way Forward for Payments for Ecosystem Services in Africa
Dar-es-salaam, Tanzania
Previous regional Katoomba meetings in Uganda (2005) and South Africa (2006) demonstrated that Africans have become increasingly interested in market-based conservation strategies, including payments for ecosystem services (PES). While a number of projects are underway, PES in the East and Southern African region primarily occurs on an ad hoc basis through small-scale pilot projects. Information, […]
Desarrollo de Productos Ecosistémicos en Áreas Naturales Protegidas
Querétaro, Mexico
La Comisión Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas, la LV Legislatura del Estado de Querétaro y Centro Tierra Sierra Gorda organizaron el Foro “Desarrollo de Productos Ecosistémicos en Áreas Naturales Protegidas”, para promover el desarrollo de productos ecosistémicos en ANP’s, para su promoción y lanzamiento en el mercado, lo cual representa una estrategia innovadora y oportuna […]
Designing Payment and Compensation for Ecosystem Service Schemes (PyCES) and REDD
Iquitos, Peru
Over one hundred and twenty people from the local government, local, national and international NGOs, and communities, convened in Iquitos, Peru from October 2-4, 2007 at a meeting hosted by the Instituto de Investigaciones de la Amazonia Peruana (IIAP), the Tropical America Katoomba Group (TAKG), the Government of Loreto and the Servicio Holandés de Cooperación […]
ERT/TAKG/Winrock Symposium
Cartagena, Colombia
Environmental Resources Trust (ERT), Winrock International and the Tropical America Katoomba Group (TAKG) share the pleasure to host the symposium: Leveraging multiple environmental markets to support conservation projects in Latin America. Scope: To identify a strategy and design activities to capture opportunities and remove constraints to bundling market-driven payments for water, carbon and biodiversity services […]
Katoomba XI: Catalyzing Payments for Ecosystem Services in Africa
Cape Town, South Africa
In Africa, there is growing potential for markets and payments for the ecosystem services (PES), including deals related to carbon sequestration, biodiversity conservation and watershed protection. These emerging markets and payments have the potential to encourage sustainable land management, conserve biodiversity and improve rural livelihoods throughout the continent. Today, however, PES in Africa occurs on […]
Capturing the Value of Ecosystem Services:
Tokyo, Japan.
A public meeting involving investors, multilateral agencies, governments, and NGOs, took place to discuss potential markets for enviromental services. Resources Invitation (English) (216KB) Invitation and Agenda (Japanese) (973KB) Conference Materials Joint Implementation and the Clean Development Mechanism Introduction to the Carbon Emmission Trading Market Jack Cogen, President, NATSOURCE LLC (824KB) Forests And Carbon — Koyoto […]