IDB Sustainability Roundtable on the Future of Water Resources in Latin America and the Caribbean
Andres Bello I, Washington D.C. , United States
Water is critical to all aspects of development. The IDB Sustainability Roundtable will provide a forum for leaders working in Latin America and the Caribbean to explore emerging challenges and share new approaches to integrated water resources management. Go to the event website for more information.
2nd International Conference on Ecosystem Conservation and Sustainable Development
University of Kerala, Kerala, India
Environmental degradation, particularly climate change, is augmenting the impact of natural disasters, thus seriously affecting food security ensured through the sustainable production of agricultural crops, livestock and fisheries. Sustainable development is a certain compromise among environmental, economic, and social goals of community, allowing for wellbeing for the present and future generations. Designing appropriate policies and […]
Training Asumura Cocoa Landscape CREMA Stakeholders on Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) in Ghana
Catholic Pastoral Centre, Goaso, Ghana
The Nature Conservation Research Centre (NCRC) and Forest Trends’ Communities and Markets Initiative organized the workshop “Training Asumura Cocoa Landscape CREMA Stakeholders on Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) in Ghana” held in Goaso, Ghana, on April 18 – 20, 2013. The workshop was generously supported by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD). The objective […]
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Webinar – Green Infrastructure as a Catalyst to Economic Growth
Webinar, [Virtual]
Over the summer Defra and Natural England published a report on the role Green Infrastructure plays as a catalyst to economic growth. This study pulled together evidence from the UK and around the world demonstrating how investment in GI encourages inward investment and attracts increased visitor spending at a local level and saves environmental costs […]
Katoomba XVIII: Forests, Water, and People
Beijing, China
í í Continuing the tradition of 17 previous international Katoomba meetings, Katoomba XVIII: Forests, Water, and People will gather leading experts, practitioners, policymakers, and investors from China and abroad to advance nature-based solutions to the water crisis for an urbanizing world. Water resources are increasingly jeopardized by climate change, pollution, watershed degradation, and misuse, with […]
Seminário: Iniciativas Brasileiras que Promovem Incentivos Econômicos para a Recuperação e Conservação dos Serviços Ecossistêmicos
Areté - Centro de Estudo Helênicos, São Paulo , Brasil
Iniciativas brasileiras falam a mesma língua sobre pagamento por serviço ambiental ou ecossistêmico? Quais são os desafios para estimular a demanda e a oferta de serviços ambientais e ecossistêmicos no Brasil? Existe um entendimento comum sobre o que significa Pagamento por Serviço Ambiental e ou Ecossistêmico (PSA/E)? Esses questionamentos são os pontos chaves das discussões […]
International Conference on Water, Wastewater & Isotope Hydrology
Bangalore University Central College, Bangalore, India
The conference will discuss and explore new and innovative methods of treatment, better understanding and assessment of resources and their supporting ecosystems, proper management for conservation and approaches to achieve the dual aim of economic development and ecological sustainability. The focus is the necessary infrastructure to provide good quality water, in sufficient quantity, in the most sustainable manner. The conference will […]
WEF Stormwater Congress
McCormick Place South, Chicago , US
The inaugural WEF Stormwater Congress, taking place in Chicago on October 5-9, 2013, is an exciting place to engage with leaders in the stormwater sector and is a unique opportunity to be part of something innovative and different at WEFTEC. Because this audience and topic is growing rapidly, and has a long and successful history […]
2013 NGWA Summit-National and International Groundwater Conference
Hyatt Regency San Antonio, San Antonio, Texas, United States
Groundwater is a resource to be protected. It ignores political boundaries, transports contaminants, floods mine and construction sites, spins communities into an uproar, and can’t be found when you need it. Model, explore, characterize, bank, inject, extract, treat, and predict all your subsurface needs with everything groundwater at the 2013 NGWA® Summit. This year’s Summit program […]
World Forum on Natural Capital
Edinburgh International Conference Center, Edinburgh, Scotland
A revolution is taking place in how businesses and governments account for natural capital. The inaugural World Forum on Natural Capital will be the first major global conference devoted exclusively to turning the debate on natural capital accounting into action. It will build on the enormous private sector interest shown at the United Nations Earth Summit […]