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Climate Water

One Water Leadership (OWL) Summit

Westin Kansas City, Kansas City, USA

Join the 5th annual event September 15 – 17, in Kansas City. Invited keynotes include: President of the U.S. Conference of Mayors and Mayor of Sacramento Kevin Johnson and U.S. EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy. Spotlight Communities will drive the national conversation on water as the centerpiece for urban sustainability, developing green infrastructure and resource recovery. […]

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Climate Water

Climate Week NYC

New York City, USA

Taking place from September 22-28, Climate Week NYC is a key international platform for governments, businesses and civil society to collaborate on low carbon leadership, through a week filled with events, activities and high-profile meetings. And this year it is set to be the biggest yet, with over 120 affiliate events confirmed. In 2014 Climate […]

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The Pulp and Paper Sector: Workshop for EU Competent Authorities and other Stakeholders

National Measurement Office,, London, United Kingdom

This two-day workshop was organized by Forest Trends and Chatham House and hosted at the National Measurement Office in London. It followed a series of thematic Chatham House meetings on the EU Timber Regulation (EUTR) and brought together European and US enforcement authorities to explore technical challenges to effective implementation of the EUTR and Lacey […]

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Webinar: U.S. Corporate Water Risks: Closing the Gap between Concern and Action

Washington D.C., USA

A 2014 survey of major U.S. corporations by the Pacific Institute and VOX Global found that 60% of companies believe water challenges will negatively affect business growth and profitability within five years. More than 80% said it will affect their decision on where to locate facilities. This is a stark increase from five years ago, […]

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World Green Infrastructure Congress

Australian Technology Park Sydney, Sydney, Australia

The Congress will present the latest technological developments, green industry awards, iconic best practice projects, research data, professional training workshops, Living Art competition and new areas of applications in the field of green infrastructure. It will serve as a surface + space where international urban greenery thought leaders from various disciplines may come together with […]

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IIED conference on Innovations for equity in smallholder PES: bridging research and practice

Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

What are the best ways to make schemes that compensate protectors of natural resources fairer and more inclusive? IIED’s conference on Innovations for equity in smallholder PES: bridging research and practice aims to explore the latest thinking on the issue from researchers, policy makers, funders and practitioners, and to share lessons learned. Based at the […]

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Agriculture Water

Addressing Drought and Water Scarcity: Solutions for Safeguarding the Global Food System in the 21st Century

The Library of Congress, Washington D.C., USA

Agriculture is feeling the brunt of prolonged droughts at home and abroad. While California, Colorado, and Texas are having one of the worst droughts on record, numerous other countries are also dealing with water shortages, including Brazil, northern India, northern China, south and central Australia, and every European nation around the Black Sea.     […]

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WaterSmart Innovations Conference

South Point Hotel and Conference Center, Las Vegas, USA

The purpose of this conference is to broaden the knowledge of innovations in urban water efficiency including products, policies, techniques and ideas. All topics related to innovations in water conservation will be considered. Potential topics include: Water/Energy Production Nexus Water Efficiency for Sustainable Building and Development Conservation Policy, Enforcement and Administration Community Outreach Programming Water […]

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International Workshop on Promoting Legal and Sustainable Trade and Investment of Forest Products

Shanghai, China

From March 25-27, 2014 in Shanghai, China, the Center for International Forest Products Trade (CINFT) of China’s State Forestry Administration (SFA) hosted the “International Workshop on Promoting Legal and Sustainable Trade and Investment of Forest Products.” The event was co-organized by Forest Trends, the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), the EU FLEGT Facility […]

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Webinar: State of the Voluntary Carbon Markets 2014

4:30 PM - 6:00 AM EDT, [Webex Webinar],

On May 28, Forest Trends’ Ecosystem Marketplace successfully launched the executive summary of our 2014 State of the Voluntary Carbon Markets report before the largest standing-room-only audience to date at Carbon Expo in Cologne. Now, we warmly invite you to an event on June 24th hosted by Hunton & Williams, where a panel of carbon […]