7th World Water Forum
Daegu EXCO, Daegu, Republic of Korea
Every three years, the World Water Forum mobilizes creativity, innovation, and know-how around water. Serving as a stepping-stone towards global collaboration on water challenges, the Forum is a unique multistakeholder platform where the water community and the policy and decision makers from all regions of the world can work together to find joint solutions. It […]
EPA-USDA National Workshop on Water Quality Markets
University of Nebraska - Lincoln Campus, Lincoln, USA
USDA and EPA are cosponsoring a National Workshop on Water Quality Markets. This event is hosted by the Robert B. Daugherty Water for Food Institute at the University of Nebraska and coordinated by The Conservation Fund. The Workshop will highlight recent progress in water quality trading across the country with an emphasis on policy, resources, […]
Danone’s work on eliminating deforestation – webinar
Danone has committed to eliminate deforestation from its supply chain by 2020, which will require effective cooperation from all along the company’s supply chain. Vincent Crasnier from Danone will share his experiences, discuss the company’s progress so far, and outline the key challenges – and plans to overcome them – that the company is working […]
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Sustainable Water Management Conference
The Curtis Hotel, Denver, CO, USA
Presenting solutions for balancing the benefits of conservation with the costs, managing infrastructure, developing robust supply models and watershed management plans, water reuse, resource management, green infrastructure and more. This conference seeks to combine technical presentations with in-depth discussions on legal, regulatory and legislative matters water utilities face today. Get started today and don’t miss […]
Illegal Forest Conversion in the Mekong: Policy Implications for Land Investments, Climate, and Forest Legality Initiatives
Novotel Vintage Park Resort, Phuket, Thailand
This two and a half day workshop aims to bring together experts from five focal countries (Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Viet Nam) and a range of relevant policy processes (REDD+, FLEGT, corporate responsibility) to engender a regional discussion about the conversion of forests in the Mekong region for commercial […]
International Water and Energy Conference
Lyon Convention Centre, Lyon, France
On October 29, 30 and 31, the Greater Lyon Authority, the Rhone-Alpes Regional Council, the Rhone-Mediterranean and Corsica Water Agency and EDF, in partnership with the World Water Council, the French Water Partnership, the GRAIE and SHF are hosting the international water and energy conference Water and Energy Interactions: Strategic Challenges to Territorial Development. […]
Webinar: Natural Capital Markets for Watershed Services
In this webinar, Natural Capital Markets (NCM) together with Ecosystem Marketplace (EM) will focus on the use of market (based) instruments to conserve watershed services. In particular, the role of different actors such as the private sector and local communities will be discussed. Panelists will also explore leading and emerging models for investments in natural […]
Making Waves in Conservation: 69th SWCS International Annual Conference
The Westin Lombard, Lombard, Illinois
The 69th Annual International Conference of the Soil and Water Conservation Society takes place in Lombard, Illinois this July. From the Great Lakes to the coast, our use of the land impacts major bodies of water. Whether it be the large freshwater lakes of the United States of the Canada, the Atlantic or Pacific Ocean; […]
Inspiring Action, Creating Resilience, National Summit on Coastal and Estuarine Restoration
Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center, Washington D.C., United States
Restore America’s Estuaries and The Coastal Society are proud to announce a new collaboration to present the first ever National Summit that will bring together the restoration and coastal management communities for an integrated discussion to explore issues, solutions and lessons learned. The integration of these communities is long overdue. The collaboration provides an opportunity […]
National Mitigation & Ecosystem Banking Conference
Hyatt Regency Downtown, Denver, CO, USA
Founded in 1997 with a diverse steering committee of regulators, bankers and environmentalist, this is the first – and only – National hands-on conference for mitigation, conservation and ecosystem banking that focuses on banking to protect wetlands, endangered species and other natural resources. The Conference presents current and timely content and dialogue on important issues […]