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Communities Water

Green Infrastructure Workshop

NJ Transportation Planning Authority, Newark, USA

The NY/NJ Baykeeper, in conjunction with Newark DIG! (Doing Infrastructure Green), will be hosting a workshop on green infrastructure’s economic benefits. This workshop is geared toward property developers and the business community.  Panelists include: Larry Levine, Natural Resources Defence Council (NRDC) Chris Obropta, Rutgers Cooperative Extension Water Resources Program Kyra Hoffman – NJ Department of […]

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6th SER World Conference on Ecological Restoration

Manchester Central Convention Center, Manchester, United Kingdom

SER (Society for Ecological Restoration) 2015 in Manchester aims to be the major restoration event of the year. Building on recent successful world congresses and regional meetings such as SER Europe 2013 in Finland, we hope to attract a large number of academics and practitioners who will share good practice and network successfully in one […]

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World Forum on Natural Capital

Edinburgh, United Kingdom

A revolution is taking place in how businesses and governments account for natural capital. The inaugural World Forum on Natural Capital was the first major global conference dedicated to natural capital. It built on the significant private sector interest shown at the United Nations Earth Summit in Rio in June 2012 and the many developments […]

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7th World Water Forum

Daegu EXCO, Daegu, Republic of Korea

Every three years, the World Water Forum mobilizes creativity, innovation, and know-how around water. Serving as a stepping-stone towards global collaboration on water challenges, the Forum is a unique multistakeholder platform where the water community and the policy and decision makers from all regions of the world can work together to find joint solutions. It […]

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Biodiversity Water

EPA-USDA National Workshop on Water Quality Markets

University of Nebraska - Lincoln Campus, Lincoln, USA

USDA and EPA are cosponsoring a National Workshop on Water Quality Markets. This event is hosted by the Robert B. Daugherty Water for Food Institute at the University of Nebraska and coordinated by The Conservation Fund. The Workshop will highlight recent progress in water quality trading across the country with an emphasis on policy, resources, […]

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Danone’s work on eliminating deforestation – webinar

Danone has committed to eliminate deforestation from its supply chain by 2020, which will require effective cooperation from all along the company’s supply chain. Vincent Crasnier from Danone will share his experiences, discuss the company’s progress so far, and outline the key challenges – and plans to overcome them – that the company is working […]

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Communities Water

The Business Case for Water Sustainability

Troutman Sanders , Washington D.C., USA

Kick off Water Week by joining us for Breakfast and a discussion with Robert Glennon, best-selling author of Unquenchable and co-author of the newly released report Shopping for Water on Monday, April 13th. Clean, safe and reliable water remains a cornerstone of America’s public health system and a mainstay of our local economies.  Yet severe […]

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Vietnam-China Timber Trade in 2012-2014: Present Status and Trends

Cong Doan Hotel, Hanoi, Vietnam

Presented by the Vietnam Timber and Forest Products Association (VIFORES), Handicraft and Wood Industry Association of Ho Chi Minh City (HAWA), Forest Products Association of Binh Dinh (FPA Binh Dinh), and Forest Trends, this workshop will assess the present status, dynamics, and future trends of timber trade relations between Vietnam and China in the context […]

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Timber Regulation Enforcement Exchange: Chinese Supply Chains, Risk, and Legal Compliance

Barcelona, Spain

This three-day event brought together enforcement officials involved with the EU Timber Regulation (EUTR) and US Lacey Act as part of an ongoing series of workshops encouraging collaboration and effective implementation of forest product legal trade legislation. The sessions were focused on China, and covered trade data analysis of Chinese imports from high-risk regions and […]

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Timber Regulation Enforcement Exchange

UNODC, Vienna International Center, Vienna, Austria

This four-day event brought together enforcement officials involved with the EU Timber Regulation (EUTR), Australian Illegal Logging Prohibition Act (ILPA), and US Lacey Act as part of an ongoing series of workshops encouraging collaboration and effective implementation of forest product legal trade legislation. The sessions were focused on EUTR implementation and domestic forest legislation in Eastern […]