
Tanzania Workshop

Protea Hotel, Oyster Bay, Dar Es Salaam

From March 1-3, the Katoomba Group held a scoping workshop for an analysis of the legal, policy and institutional frameworks that impact the development of forest carbon (including REDD) projects in Tanzania. Over the course of three days, eight participants met to outline an analysis of current constraints, opportunities, and needs related to project development. […]

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1st Roundtable on Carbon Policy and Governance

Accra, Ghana

Ghana’s National Technical REDD Committee and the Climate Change Unit of Ghana Forestry Commission convened the 1st Roundtable on Carbon Policy and Governance in Accra on November 27 & 28, 2008. The roundtable focused on “Operationalizing Carbon Finance for Sustainable Tree Crops in Ghana.” The series is funded by Cadbury plc and facilitated by Forest […]

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Designing REDD Activities to Mitigate Climate Change

Turrialba, Costa Rica

Leer la versión en español. Designing REDD activities to mitigate climate change Costa Rica, October 27-31 The Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE), the World Bank, the German Association for Technical Cooperation (GTZ), the Katoomba Group, and Conservation International are pleased to announce a joint-international course: Designing REDD Activities to Mitigate Climate Change. […]

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Katoomba XII: Developing an Infrastructure Fund for the Planet

Washington DC, United States

Developing an Infrastructure Fund for the Planet explored how ecosystem service payments and markets in carbon, water and biodiversity are quickly becoming a key solution to the urgent environmental problems of climate change, fresh water pollution, biodiversity loss, soil erosion, and destruction of our coastal and marine systems. Moderated sessions among policy makers, major financial […]

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Katoomba X: Valuing Environmental Services: Securing the Natural Capital of Present and Future Generations

São Paulo, Brazil

The time is ripe to invigorate discussions on ecosystems services in Tropical America. The Katoomba Network is designed to create an enabling environment for local actors to take critical steps towards the development and improvement of payments for ecosystem services-“PES” initiatives and policies, critical for restoring and improving ecosystems. The 10th gathering of this network, […]

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Katoomba IX: Making the Priceless Valuable

Portland, Oregon, United States

The Pacific Northwest is increasingly ripe for a regional conference to further spur and galvanize emerging efforts to form conservation banks, carbon markets, water quality trading schemes, and other attempts to improve environmental conditions through market mechanisms. A recent climate change conference held in Seattle and organized by King County Executive Ron Sims drew a […]

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Katoomba VIII: Building Foundations for Pro-Poor Ecosystem Services in Africa

Kampala, Uganda

In recent years, markets and payments for ecosystem services (PES), such as carbon sequestration, watershed protection and biodiversity conservation, have emerged in several African nations as a viable method for maintaining ecosystems and rewarding responsible environmental management. These mechanisms are generally appearing on an ad hoc basis, however, and little strategic dialogue has occurred to […]

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Katoomba VI: Beyond Carbon: Emerging Markets for Ecosystem Services

Rüschlikon, Switzerland

The Katoomba VI workshop focused on frameworks for ecosystem service markets, including the roles of political institutions, bilateral and multilateral institutions as well as industry leadership through new initiatives such as the Equator Principles and the Sustainable Agriculture Initiative. Sector specific workshops explored the exposure of industries such as food and agriculture, mining, oil and […]

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Katoomba IV: Capturing the Value of Ecosystem Services

Kew, United Kingdom

The integrity of natural ecosystems is now recognized as being crucial to the health of global financial and capital market systems. Bringing together appropriate investors, buyers and sellers will help to maintain ecosystem services and assets, and will ensure continuing global prosperity and environmental security. A number of markets already have started to trade waste […]

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Agriculture Water

Webinar: State of Private Investment in Conservation

Forest Trends’ Ecosystem Marketplace is pleased to announce the release of its newest report, State of Private Investment in Conservation 2016: A Landscape Assessment of an Emerging Market. This new report builds upon the 2014 report by EKO Asset Management Partners (now Encourage Capital) and The Nature Conservancy’s NatureVest, Investing in Conservation: A Landscape Assessment of […]