Katoomba Marketplace América Latina
Lima, Peru
Oportunidades de Inversión en Infraestructura Verde América Latina Casa Andina Private Collection, Miraflores Los usuarios del agua, los operadores de agua potable y los gobiernos reconocen cada vez más la importancia de los servicios que ofrecen los ecosistemas, como filtración, regulación, y recarga, a sus cuencas y sistemas de agua potable. Por su lado, los […]
Katoomba Marketplace: Oportunidades de Inversión en Infraestructura Verde América Latina
Lima, Peru
Update: In this interview with SUNASS, Peru’s national water regulator, Forest Trends Founding President and CEO Michael Trends explains the objectives of Katoomba Marketplace: Latin America. Forest Trends, the Katoomba Group, the National Superintendency of Sanitation Services of Peru (SUNASS), and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation are pleased to host Katoomba Marketplace […]
The Past, Present and Future of Payments for Ecosystem Services
Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center
A technology revolution is opening the way for countries to combat escalating environmental problems – from debilitating drought to devastating floods – as the impact of climate change threatens food supplies, economies, and the very existence of coastal cities and communities. Top experts from around the world are gathering in Bellagio, Italy from September 5 to […]
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Training: Tools for Designing and Implementing Green Infrastructure for the Latin American Water Sector
Global, Training Course
Forest Trends, the Latin American Association of Water Regulators (ADERASA), and EcoDecision are pleased to announce a new training series on the practical application of green infrastructure for water utilities and regulators in Latin America. Water professionals and their allies working on green infrastructure projects and policies in Latin America are cordially invited to register for the […]
Timber Regulation Enforcement Exchange
Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre, Prague, Czech Republic
Since 2012, Forest Trends and Chatham House have been working with officials from EU Member States and US Lacey enforcement agencies, to further understanding of complex high-risk supply chains for wood products and support coordinated implementation of the EU Timber Regulation and US Lacey Act. These two workstreams have merged into a process called the […]
Follow-up Webinar: Myanmar and the Role of Natural Resources in Transitions from Armed Conflict
World Bank, Washington, United States
At an October 15, 2015 brown bag lunch hosted by the World Bank, Art Blundell and Kevin Woods presented the findings of forthcoming Forest Trends reports. Following requests for a second session, Blundell and Woods will present those findings again, this type remotely via webinar. A peaceful election this November 8th in Myanmar is pivotal, but a successful […]
Myanmar and the Role of Natural Resources in Transitions from Armed Conflict / Military Governments
World Bank, Washington, United States
A peaceful election this November 8th in Myanmar is pivotal, but a successful transition from military rule hangs on the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) between the government and the ethnic armed groups. Given that a third of ceasefires fail within five years, peace and security will depend on getting the NCA and the subsequent ‘political […]
Stockholmsmässan, Stockholm, Sweden
“Nature-Based Solutions for Water and Energy” Attend the preview of findings from the State of Watershed Investments 2014 global survey and a panel discussion on the potential for natural infrastructure in the water-energy nexus. World Water Week Monday, September 1st, 2014 17:45 – 18:45 Room K16/K17 Drinks and snacks will be served during a short […]
Katoomba XX: Climate, Forests, Water, and People: A Vision of Development for Tropical America
Lima, Peru
Just months before Lima hosts over 190 countries to advance international climate negotiations at COP 20, Katoomba XX – Peru will identify opportunities for climate policy and finance to align with other public and private investments and commitments to ensure that forests and other ecosystems continue to provide critical support for stable climate and resilient […]
Katoomba XIX: Scaling Up Sustainable Supply Chains
Iguazu Falls, Brazil
In March of 2014, nearly 200 people gathered in Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil for Katoomba XIX, including producers and buyers in the cattle and soy industries, financial institutions, government and multilateral agencies, deforestation experts, and civil society organizations. Situated on the border of three giants in the cattle and soy sectors – Brazil, Argentina and […]