Katoomba XIX: Scaling Up Sustainable Supply Chains
Iguazu Falls, Brazil
In March of 2014, nearly 200 people gathered in Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil for Katoomba XIX, including producers and buyers in the cattle and soy industries, financial institutions, government and multilateral agencies, deforestation experts, and civil society organizations. Situated on the border of three giants in the cattle and soy sectors – Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay – Iguaçu provided an apropos backdrop for this Katoomba’s ambitious agenda of identifying and finding solutions to the critical challenge of producing more food, fuel and fiber to support our growing population while also reducing land use change from agricultural expansion in the Amazon, Cerrado, Chaco, and beyond.
The meeting consisted of a two-day public event, followed by a smaller private workshop to delve further into innovative jurisdictional and financial mechanisms to move further toward scaling sustainable commodity supply chains.
Download the final program and agenda
Topics covered during the event:
The meeting allowed participants to better understand:
- Challenges and solutions to increase productivity and efficiency
- Legality, transparency, traceability
- Integrated financing tools and approaches
- Stabilizing the frontier
- The role of the private sector, public sector, and civil society
[PDF] Matriz de Iniciativas Brasileiras de Pagamentos por Serviços Ambientais (2528 KB)
Beto Borges, Forest Trends – Warwick Manfrinato, PLANT Inteligencia Ambiental[PDF] Estrutura de custos / benefícios do CAR para controlar o desmatamento ilegal e cumprir o Código (677 KB)
Andrea Azevedo[PDF] A Cheaper, Simpler Pathway to Large-Scale Agricultural Sustainability? (3371 KB)
Daniel Nepstad – Earth Innovation Institute[PDF] Crescer sem Desmatar (749 KB)
Barreto[PDF] Monsanto (862 KB)
Daniela Mariuzzo[PDF] The Nature Conservancy (258 KB)
Francisco Fonseca[PDF] Instituto Centro de Vida (1431 KB)
Irene Duarte[PDF] Scaling Up Sustainable Commodity Supply Chains (1769 KB)
José Lopez – Nestlé[PDF] Adecoagro (1205 KB)
Marcelo Vieira[PDF] Aliança da Terra (1395 KB)
Marcos Reis[PDF] Sustainable Cattle Ranching in Apui, Amazona (1852 KB)
Mariano Cenamo – IDESAM[PDF] Farmer Risks, Demands, & Benefits (146 KB)
Daniel Nepstad[PDF] Scaling Up Commodity Supply Chain (568 KB)
Sebastian Senesi