Katoomba XIV: Avoiding Deforestation in the Amazon: REDD & PES Markets
Cuiaba, Mato Grosso, Brazil
The XIV Katoomba Meeting was held in Mato Grosso in partnership with the Mato Grosso State Government. Governor Blairo Maggi’s attendance and participation in the event was a strong pull for other governors in the Amazon region including those from the Brazilian states of Amazonas, Para, Rondí´nia and Acre, as well as the governors of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia and Loreto, Peru to participate in the event. During their panel presentations, the governors expressed their desire to develop a unified position on REDD to present at the climate conference in Copenhagen in December.
The presence of the Brazilian Minister of Environment, Carlos Minc, was another highlight of the event, which included the signing of a new law between the State of Mato Grosso and the Federal Government. The new law, MT Legal, grants a temporary amnesty for ranchers and farmers in Mato Grosso, allowing them up to four years to reforest their holdings to bring them up to legal code. Under Brazilian law, landowners in the “legal Amazon” are required to maintain 80 percent forest cover on their property – a law which is not often followed.
Another significant development during the conference was a meeting between Anthony Brunello, Deputy Secretary for Climate Change and Energy for the State of California, and the State Environmental Secretaries for Amazonas, Acre, Mato Grosso and Pará to continue the work started in the Climate Summit held in California last November which aims at reaching agreements between these states for offsetting emissions in California with conservation efforts in the Amazon, most likely through REDD. A follow up meeting is scheduled in California for late summer.
Another major product of the conference was the Cuiaba Declaration which asks the Brazilian Federal Government to reverse its opposition to direct payments from abroad to people and entities that reduce greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD), and to involve more stakeholders in the process of forming climate-change policy. The declaration has already been signed by 175 organizations representing farmers, indigenous communities, non-governmental organizations, scientists, and businesses. The letter will be presented to the governors of the Amazonian states and to President Luiz Ignacio Lula da Silva in the coming weeks. The public conference was attended by an unprecedented 1,500 people and the private meeting by 150.
You can read the letter here: http://www.icv.org.br/w/library/lettercuiaba.pdf
THE KATOOMBA GROUP seeks to address key challenges for developing markets for ecosystem services, from enabling legislation to the establishment of new market institutions, to strategies of pricing and marketing, and performance monitoring. It seeks to achieve the goal through strategic partnerships for analysis, information-sharing, investment, market services and policy advocacy. The Katoomba Group includes over 180 experts and practioners from around the world representing a unique range of experience in business finance, policy, research and advocacy.
www.katoombagroup.org |
FOREST TRENDS is an international non-profit organization that works to expand the value of forests to society; to promote sustainable forest management and conservation by creating and capturing market values for ecosystem services; to support innovative projects and companies that are developing these new markets; and to enhancethe livelihoods of local communities living in and around those forests. We analyze strategic market and policy issues, catalyze connections between forward-looking producers, communities and investors, and develop new financial tools to help markets work for conservation and people.
www.forest-trends.org |
THE STATE OF MATO GROSSO is in the middle of large-scale agro-industrial development that places it at the top of the national ranking in terms of soy and cotton production. It has the largest number of beef cattle in the country and has large-scale programs being implemented in the area of pig farming. All this development is firmly founded on scientific research together with great respect for environmental conservation. Due to its strategic location in the Northwest region of Brazil, Mato Grosso plays an important role in the current environmental debates. Mato Grosso is the only state in the country with three different biomes: the pantanal in the south, the savannah in the central region and the Amazon in the northern section. During this Global Katoomba event, the governor of Mato Grosso, Blairo Maggi, will launch an innovative REDD project designed by NGOs and state experts.
www.mt.gov.br |
- Visit Mato Grosso’s Secretary of Communication’s website for articles, pictures and videos from the event: http://www.secom.mt.gov.br/. Use the link “Katoomba Meeting Brasil 2009” in the left hand column. (In Portuguese)
- “Dancing with the bear: A soya king’s change of heart on the rainforest” from the Economist April 16, 2009
Private Meeting
Images of the Pantanal (Photos: Rebecca Vonada, Kate Hamilton) |
- Projeto de Conservação e Uso Sustentável da Biodiversidade nas Florestas de Fronteira do Noroeste de Mato Grosso
Luis Henrique Daldegan, Environmental Secretary, State of Mato Grosso
- Conversa de Chuva sobre a Mudança do Clima e o Carbono do Xingu
Marcio Santilli, Instituto Socioambiental
- REDD: Uma oportunidade de Uso Sustentável das Florestas do Noroeste de Mato Grosso
Miguel Calmon, The Nature Conservancy
- Brazil’s Land Registry Initiative
John Carter, Aliança da Terra - Risco Socioambiental
Ana Lizete Farias, Santander Group of Brazil - Payments for Watershed Services in São Paulo
Helena Carrascosa, São Paulo Environmental Secretary - Gestão Pública com Responsabilidade Econí´mica, Social e Ambiental
Luciane Coppetti, PM Lucas do Rio Verde Project - Mato Grosso Farmers’ Concerns about PES
Ricardo Arioli, APROSOJA - Katoomba Ecosystem Services Incubator
Jacob Olander, EcoDecision and the Katoomba Group
Sunrise over the Pantanal (Photo: Rebecca Vonada)
Entrance to the meeting (Photo: R. Vonada) |
- Forests: Taking Root in the Voluntary Carbon Markets, Second Edition
- Beyond Carbon: Biodiversity and Water Markets
- Payments for Ecosystem Services: Getting Started, A Primer
- Connecting Communities, Conservation, and Markets: Katoomba Ecosystem Services Incubator
Xingu Indians (Photo: Rebecca Vonada) |
- Welcome and Introduction
Blairo Maggi, Governor of Mato Grosso
- Deforestation and Climate Change
Luiz Gylvan Filho, Visiting Researcher, University of Sao Paulo
- International Forest Carbon Update: A Sub-national Perspective
Tony Brunello, Deputy Secretary for Climate and Energy, State of California USA
- Bolsa Floresta
Virgilio Viana, Fundação Amazonas Sustentável
Carlos Minc, Brazil’s Minister of the Environment and Governors’ Panel (Photo: Beto Borges) |
- Payments for Water Services in Mexico
Alejandro Guevara, Universidad Iberoamericana
- Soja + Verde
Gina Timotheo, The Nature Conservancy - Plano de Prevenção e Controle de Desmatamento e Queimadas do Estado do Mato Grosso
Luis Henrique Daldegan, Secretary of the Environment, Mato Grosso - Amazon Fund
Eduardo Bandeira de Mello, Chefe do Departamento de Gestão do Fundo Amazí´nia, BNDES - Forest Carbon: A Canopy Perspective
Katherine Hamilton, Associate Director, Ecosystem Marketplace
Tashka Yawanawa and Almir Surui present (Photo: Rebecca Vonada) |
- Pacto pela Valorização da Floresta
André Lima, IPAM
- Potencial de aplicação de REDD no Estado de Mato Grosso
Sérgio Henrique Guimarães, Instituto Centro de Vida - O Projeto de RED da RDS do Juma: Lições Aprendidas com a Validação CCB
Mariano Cenamo, IDESAM - Mato Grosso Farmers’ Concerns about Payments for Ecosystem Services
Ricardo Arioli, APROSOJA - Pagamentos por Serviços Ambientais: Perspectivas para a Amazí´nia Legal
Sven Wunder (CIFOR), Jan Börner (CIAT/Iniciativa Amazí´nica, CIM/GTZ), Lígia Pereira (CIFOR) & Marcos Tito Rügnitz (ICRAF/Iniciativa Amazí´nica)