ICCF Summit on Illegal Resource Extraction
Washington DC, USA
Competition over natural resources and pollution of our oceans, forests, and air threaten America’s national security and economic interests and damage the health of the planet.
The ICCF Group will convene a summit in Washington, DC with the purpose of exploring the issue of illegal resource extraction and highlighting bipartisan efforts to address it. The engagement will be held in person in The Willard Hotel in Washington, DC on Tuesday, July 13, 2021. Remarks and panel discussions will occur from 1:30-5:00 PM ET with a networking reception to follow from 5:00-6:00 PM ET.
The program will focus on three specific areas: illegal fishing, natural resource/critical mineral supply chain security, and deforestation. The summit will highlight regional perspectives and provide an opportunity to discuss how the United States and international partners can work together in addressing these important issues.
Welcome and Introduction (1:30pm-1:40pm)
Chrissy Harbin, Capitol Hill Program Director, The ICCF Group
Congressional remarks (1:40pm-1:55pm)
Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-TX)
Rep. Bruce Westerman (R-AR)
Rep. John Garamendi (D-CA)
Sen. Dan Sullivan (R-AK)
Panel Discussion I: Ambassador Panel on Illegal Fishing (2:00pm-2:30pm)
Hon. Carlos Dos Santos, Ambassador of Mozambique to the United States
Hon. Yvonne Baki, Ecuadorian Embassy in Washington
Moderator, Carolyn Weis, Executive Director, Oceans Caucus Foundation, The ICCF Group
Congressional Remarks, Virtual (2:30pm-3:00pm)
Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI)
Senator James Risch (R-ID)
Senator Mike Braun (R-IN)
Panel Discussion II – Commodity Extracts and Global Deforestation (3:00pm-3:45pm)
Michael Wolosin, Advisor, Forest Trends
Jeremy Furchtgott, Director, Baron Public Affairs
Dr. Louise Shelley, Director, Terrorism, Transnational Crime and Corruption Center, and Professor, Schar School of Policy and Government, George Mason University
Diana Movius, Director of Forest Policy, Climate Advisors
Moderator, Amb. Mark Green, Director and CEO of the Woodrow Wilson Center for Scholars
Break (3:45pm-3:55pm)
Congressional Remarks, Critical Minerals and Supply Chain Security (3:55pm-4:00pm)
Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-CO)
Panel Discussion III – Critical Minerals and Supply Chain Security (4:00pm-4:45pm)
Drew Horn, CEO, Greentech Minerals Holdings, Inc.
Derek Campbell, CEO, Energy & Natural Resource Security, INC.
Eric Dresselhuys, CEO, ESS Inc.
Moderator, Hon. Kimberly A. Reed, Distinguished Fellow, Council on Competitiveness; Former Chairman of Board of Directors, President, and CEO, U.S. Export-Import Bank
Closing Remarks (4:45pm-5:00pm)
David H. Barron, Chairman, The ICCF Group
Networking Reception (5:00pm-6:00pm)