COP26: Private Finance for Sustainable Landscapes and Net Zero Goals
Glasgow / Virtual
November 1 | 13:15 am – 14:45 GMT
GEF/GCF Pavilion | Watch it live
Convenors: International Carbon Reduction & Offset Alliance (ICROA) & International Emissions Trading Association (IETA)
The business models and investment case for investment in landscape initiatives for climate change mitigation and adaptation are not widely understood by investors and the private sector. This session will showcase initiatives in which the private sector is driving innovation, including market-based instruments, and capital markets transactions in-setting and offsetting, carbon market finance, and supply chain scope III investment. Then, speakers will share with participants examples of blended finance as a structuring approach to de-risking investments and increasing private sector investment in landscape initiatives.
- Ingo Puhl, Co-founder and Director South East Asia, South Pole
- Jenny Henman, Clarmondial
- Kevin Rabinovitch, VP Sustainability Mars, representing the Livelihoods Fund
- Stephen Donofrio, Director, Ecosystem Marketplace & Supply Change Initiatives, Forest Trends
- Florian Kemmerich, Managing Partner, Bamboo Capital