COP26: Local Communities: Securing Safeguards & Direct Climate Financing
Glasgow / Virtual
November 7, 15:15 – 16:45 GMT
Global Landscapes Forum, Glasgow University Senate Room | Register to watch it live
Convenors: Wildlife Works, RECOFTC, Everland, Greencollar, Forest Trends
Climate finance, as currently designed, does not adequately address the drivers of deforestation, nor does it provide recognition and direct financing to Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLCs) who protect their forests. Less than 1% of climate finance directly reaches IPLCs, yet these communities are some of the world’s most successful forest stewards when they have the resources and capacity to do so.
Panelists will share the principles that would need to be incorporated into the current structure of climate and conservation finance to ensure that IPLCs are recognized for their stewardship and resources are distributed equitably and directly to forest-dwelling communities. Successful examples of REDD+ and NO-REDD+ lessons learned will be used, as well as other challenges faced by IPLCs.
This session aims to amplify the voices of IPLCs in their need for support and demand for climate and conservation finance projects implemented with the values, rights, and leadership of IPLCs. Indigenous leaders will demonstrate the need to design a new approach to climate finance that safeguards their forest-based livelihoods, making them active participants in the global economy, rather than finance recipients who are dependent on donors and lengthy bureaucratic processes.
- Beto Borges, Director, Forest Trends’ Communities and Territorial Governance Initiative
- Francisca Arara, President of the Regional Committee for Indigenous Peoples and Traditional Communities of the Governors Climate and Task Force
- Harol Rincon, General Secretary of the Organization of Indigenous Peoples of the Colombian Amazon (OPIAC)
- Wrays Perez, Social Technical Coordinator of the Autonomous Territorial Government of Wampís Nation (GTANW)
- Nonette Royo, Executive Director, The Tenure Facility, Asia
- Gustavo Sánchez, Executive Commission of the Mesoamerican Alliance of Peoples Forests (AMPB)
- Marciely Ayap Tupari, Communicator of the Association for Ethnic Environmental Protection; Councilor of the Union of Indigenous
- Women of the Brazilian Amazon (UMIAB); CMDM Counselor; Communicator of the Coordination of Indigenous Organizations of the Brazilian Amazon (COIAB)