COP25: Excluding Indigenous Lands with Minimal Deforestation in REDD+: A Free-Rider Problem?
IFEMA, Indigenous Peoples Pavilion (Green Zone)
Please join us for two events on Thursday, December 12th at COP25.
Forest Trends’ Communities and Territorial Governance Initiative is launching a research paper that questions the logic behind climate finance mechanisms for not including indigenous lands with minimal or zero deforestation. This paper also argues that indigenous forest lands also capture carbon in addition to storing it. In the Amazon, 210 million hectares are owned by indigenous peoples; these forests have zero or minimal deforestation rates of about 0.2%, even lower than of the 1.4% in protect areas. Thanks to indigenous peoples in the Amazon, 51Gt of potential CO2 emissions are avoided. This issue is directly connected to the Article 6 of the Paris Agreement.
PRESS CONFERENCE: Excluding Indigenous Lands with Minimal Deforestation in REDD+: A Free-Rider Problem?
Speaker: Chris van Dam, Forest Trends
When: Thursday, December 12, 2019, 4:00-4:30 pm CET
Where: Indigenous Peoples Pavilion, Mocha Room
SIDE EVENT: Excluding Indigenous Lands with Minimal Deforestation in REDD+: A Free-Rider Problem?
Speaker: Chris van Dam, Forest Trends
When: Thursday, December 12, 2019, 4:30-6:00 pm CET
Where: Indigenous Peoples Pavilion, Mocha Room