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World Water Day

Geneva, Switzerland

World Water Day is organized in Geneva on the United Nations’ World Water Day held on March 22nd each year. Steve Zwick, managing editor of Ecosystem Marketplace, will be moderating the closing debate. Who Should Attend? Decision makers in Banks, Insurance companies, Family Offices, Trading companies, Defense companies, Water technology and service providers, Pension funds, Real […]

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State of the Forest Carbon Markets 2013

Bunge Environmental Markets/Ecoinvest, 3 More London Riverside SE1 2AQ, London, United Kingdom

Forest Trends’ Ecosystem Marketplace will unveil its most recent State of the Forest Carbon Markets report on November 6, 2013. The report, which details our latest findings on the state of forest carbon projects’ structure, standards, and finance, will be freely available on both the Ecosystem Marketplace and Forest Carbon Portal websites on and after […]

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National Roundtable on New Tools for Water Quality Trading: Trading and Beyond

Hilton Netherland Plaza, Cincinnatti, United States

It’s been a decade since EPA’s Water Quality Trading Policy was established.  Financial, regulatory and demographic challenges and opportunities underscore the need for innovative tools and market-based strategies.  The U.S. Water Alliance’s Business Advisory Council will convene key policy makers, industry leaders, agriculture, environmental groups, and others to discuss practices and policies for advancing market-based […]

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Online Q&A on Marine Ecosystem Services

Marine Ecosystem Services Partnership, Durham, USA

Is your coastal/marine project struggling to calculate the value of ecosystem services? Are you looking for successful cases of ecosystem service valuations in decision-making? This is your opportunity for guidance. In this interactive ‘Office Hour’ chat, Linwood Pendleton will take your questions on marine and coastal ecosystem services. Linwood will also discuss outcomes from the […]

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Webinar: Inversiones en Protección Hídrica en América Latina

Register here: https://www4.gotomeeting.com/register/510310151, Virtual,

Webinar:  Inversiones en Protección Hídrica: Un Panorama de América Latina10 de abril 2013, 10:00 a.m. GMT-5Inscríbase en el webinar aquí.¡El cupo es limitado!  Te invitamos a unirte al seminario web (“webinar”), “Inversiones en Protección Hídrica: Un Panorama de América Latina,” coordinado por Forest Trends’ Valorando Naturaleza, y el Programa de Agua del Ecosystem Marketplace.  Valorando Naturaleza […]

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Serviços Ambientais/Ecossistêmicos e Gestão Territorial

Centro de Formação dos Povos da Floresta , Rio Branco, Brazil

OBJETIVO GERAL DA OFICINA:  Informar e harmonizar conceitos relacionados a serviços ambientais e ecossistêmicos, salvaguardas socioambientais e gestão territorial. OBJETIVOS ESPECÍFICOS:  1. Apresentar e colocar a debate o conhecimento cientí­fico (visão do homem branco) sobre o papel da floresta na regulação do clima mundial e regional (amazí´nico/sul americano); 2. Apresentar os conceitos relacionados í  serviços […]

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IDB Sustainability Roundtable on the Future of Water Resources in Latin America and the Caribbean

Andres Bello I, Washington D.C. , United States

Water is critical to all aspects of development. The IDB Sustainability Roundtable will provide a forum for leaders working in Latin America and the Caribbean to explore emerging challenges and share new approaches to integrated water resources management.  Go to the event website for more information. 

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2nd International Conference on Ecosystem Conservation and Sustainable Development

University of Kerala, Kerala, India

Environmental degradation, particularly climate change, is augmenting the impact of natural disasters, thus seriously affecting food security ensured through the sustainable production of agricultural crops, livestock and fisheries. Sustainable development is a certain compromise among environmental, economic, and social goals of community, allowing for wellbeing for the present and future generations. Designing appropriate policies and […]

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Agriculture Biodiversity Climate Communities

Training Asumura Cocoa Landscape CREMA Stakeholders on Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) in Ghana

Catholic Pastoral Centre, Goaso, Ghana

The Nature Conservation Research Centre (NCRC) and Forest Trends’ Communities and Markets Initiative organized the workshop “Training Asumura Cocoa Landscape CREMA Stakeholders on Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) in Ghana” held in Goaso, Ghana, on April 18 – 20, 2013. The workshop was generously supported by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD). The objective […]

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Webinar – Green Infrastructure as a Catalyst to Economic Growth

Webinar, [Virtual]

Over the summer Defra and Natural England published a report on the role Green Infrastructure plays as a catalyst to economic growth.  This study pulled together evidence from the UK and around the world demonstrating how investment in GI encourages inward investment and attracts increased visitor spending at a local level and saves environmental costs […]