Darwin Initiative Logical Framework
Kerry ten KateThe Logical Framework is a management tool that aims to promote good project design and execution by clearly stating the key components, how the project is expected to work, and how success will be measured. It ensures that the whole project process is considered before the work begins thereby avoiding problems that may be costly […]
A Case for Biodiversity Offsets in India
from Biodiversity Risk to Competitive Advantage
Divya NarainAs the Indian economy is moving up the growth curve, the countrys biodiversity is taking a beating. Even though legislation is in place to regulate and compensate for diversion of forests for non-forest uses, diversion and the resultant biodiversity loss continue unabated. The regulatory compensation regime has fallen woefully short of truly offsetting the biodiversity […]
Working towards NNL of Biodiversity and Beyond
Amrei von Hase - Forest TrendsSolid Energy became a member of the Business and Biodiversity Offsets Programme (BBOP) and offered the Strongman Mine II as a pilot project in 2007. In 2009, Solid Energy together with BBOP published a case study on the biodiversity management and offset work undertaken at Strongman up to that point (available at https://www.forest-trends.org/documents/fi les/doc_3124.pdf). The […]
Environmental Offset Policies, Principles, and Methods: A Review of Selected Legislative Frameworks
Bruce McKenneyEnvironmental offsets seek to ensure that unavoidable adverse environmental impacts of development are counterbalanced by environmental gains, with the overall aim of achieving a net neutral or beneficial outcome. In line with sustainable development, offsets represent one important tool for maintaining or enhancing environmental values in situations where social and economic development is sought despite […]
Victoria ‘s Native Vegetation Management: A Framework for Action Summary Brochure 2
Government of AustraliaThe National Land and Water Resources Audits Australian Native Vegetation Assessment 2001 provides an analysis of clearing across Australia. Five of the 85 bioregions (areas with similar characteristics of landscape and native plant and animal types) in Australia have less than 30% of pre-1750 native vegetation cover remaining. Four of these five bioregions are found […]
Opportunities forBenefiting Biodiversity Conservation
The Energy and Biodiversity Institute
Standard on Biodiversity Offsets
BBOPThis Standard on Biodiversity Offsets has been prepared by the Business and Biodiversity Offsets Programme (BBOP) to help auditors, developers, conservation groups, communities, governments and financial institutions that wish to assess biodiversity offsets against the BBOP Principles, Criteria and Indicators.
BBOP Vision, Mission, Goals, Strategy, Plan
BBOPThe Business and Biodiversity Offsets Programme (BBOP): planning policies and projects to achieve a net gain of biodiversity BBOP Vision, Mission, Goals, Strategy, Plan Approved by the BBOP Advisory Group and adopted by the Executive Committee on 20 January 2016
Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999: Act No. 91 of 1999 as Amended, Volume 2
Government of AustraliaRecovery plans for listed threatened species and ecological communities and threat abatement plans for key threatening processes bind the Commonwealth and Commonwealth agencies. The Minister must ensure that a recovery plan is in force for each listed threatened species and ecological community.