Mining and Biodiversity: Towards Best Practice

The World COnservation Union, International Council on Mining and Metals

Economic development, social equity and environmental protection are the essential elements of sustainable development. The nexus between economic development and the conservation of natural resources has been, in particular, a subject of recurrent debate.


Estándar sobre compensaciones por perdida de biodiversidad


Spanish translation of the BBOP Standard on Biodiversity Offsets


Biodiversity Offsets and the Challenge of Achieving No Net Loss

Toby Gardner, Amrei von Hase - International Institute for Sustainability, Forest Trends

Businesses, governments, and financial institutions are increasingly adopting a policy of no net loss of biodiversity for development activities. The goal of no net loss is intended to help relieve tension between conservation and development by enabling economic gains to be achieved without concomitant biodiversity losses. biodiversity offsets represent a necessary component of a much […]


Biodiversity: Life’s Variety

Government of Australia

Biodiversity has many values. At the most fundamental level, biodiversity is the basis for healthy, functioning ecosystems that are necessary to maintain essential ecosystem services. These include: soil formation, nutrient storage and cycling, plant pollination and pollution breakdown and absorption. Put simply, biodiversity provides all the critical processes that make life possible.


A Prototype Toolkit for Scoring the Biodiversity Benefits of Land Use Change, Version 5.1

Ian Oliver, David Parkes

This document is a prototype guide that can be used to assess the biodiversity benefits (and disbenefits) likely to result from a change in land use. This ‘toolkit’ aims to strike a balance between a meaningful, defensible and practical approach, and builds upon the Habitat Hectares methodology developed by the Department of Natural Resources and […]


Measuring Mitigation: A Review of the Science for Compensatory Mitigation Performance Standards

Environmental Law Institute

Attention to the federal compensatory mitigation program has been growing over the years and became heightened after the release of a National Academy of Sciences 2001 report evaluating the success of compensatory mitigation to achieve no net loss of function of the nation’s wetland resources. The report concluded that “the goal of no net loss […]


Protecting Shareholder and Natural Value

Annelisa Grigg, Kerry ten Kate

Insight Investment is the asset manager of the Halifax Bank of Scotland (HBOS plc), with £71.8 billion of assets under management, as at 31 March 2004. 11.7% of Insight’s investments in equities and substantial bonds holdings are in oil & gas, mining & minerals and utilities companies.1 Insight applies its policy on corporate governance and […]


Biodiversity Offsets and Stakeholder Participation


This Resource Paper was prepared by the Business and Biodiversity Offsets Programme (BBOP) to help developers, conservation groups, communities, governments and financial institutions that wish to consider and develop best practice related to biodiversity offsets. It provides information on stakeholder identification, engagement and participation in the design and implementation of biodiversity offsets, considering both the […]


Exploring potential demand for and supply of habitat banking in the EU and appropriate design elements for a habitat banking scheme

Matt Rayment - ICF GHK Consulting

This report presents the findings of a research project undertaken by GHK Consulting Ltd (ICF GHK) and BIO Intelligence Service (BIO IS) for DG Environment to explore potential demand for and supply of habitat banking in the EU, and appropriate design elements for a habitat banking scheme. The research examined the following topics: ■ The […]


Options and Financial Mechanisms for the Financing of Biodiversity Offsets

White Paper

Francois Barnard, Giles Davies, Matthew McLuckie, Ray Victurine - Conservation Capital, WCS

To date very little attention has been paid to the design and development of adequate financing and associated mechanisms to support offset funding needs across both the short and long term. Addressing offset financing is a topic of growing relevance and importance for governments, companies and civil society. In practical terms, financial sustainability together with […]