BBOP Vision, Mission, Goals, Strategy, Plan


The Business and Biodiversity Offsets Programme (BBOP): planning policies and projects to achieve a net gain of biodiversity BBOP Vision, Mission, Goals, Strategy, Plan Approved by the BBOP Advisory Group and adopted by the Executive Committee on 20 January 2016


Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999: Act No. 91 of 1999 as Amended, Volume 2

Government of Australia

Recovery plans for listed threatened species and ecological communities and threat abatement plans for key threatening processes bind the Commonwealth and Commonwealth agencies. The Minister must ensure that a recovery plan is in force for each listed threatened species and ecological community.


Lei No 9.985, 18 Julho 2000

Government of Brazil


Federal Guidance on the Use of Off-Site and Out-of-Kind Compensatory Mitigation Under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act

Government of the United States

This document provides interagency guidance on the use of off-site and out-of-kind compensatory mitigation undertaken to meet permit requirements under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA). The permit program relies on compensatory mitigation to offset unavoidable impacts to aquatic systems by replacing aquatic functions lost in association with permitted activities.


DRAFT: The Outcomes Monitoring Framework: Detailed Indicator Descriptions

Elizabeth Kennedy

Historically the conservation community has not employed a systematic, consistent framework for measuring the status of conservation targets (species, sites, or landscapes/seascapes) (Balmford et al. 20031; Royal Society 20032). This has impeded our ability to conclusively and quantitatively demonstrate that conservation actions are (1) the right ones, (2) in the right place, and (3) achieving […]


Ango American Biodiversity Offset Case Study – 2009

Case study of the AngloAmerican BBOP pilot biodiversity offset in South Africa. Published in 2009.


The Ecological Component of Environmental Impact Assessment

A Critical Review of British Environmental Statements


Environmental assessment (EA) of the impacts of development is required under the 1985 European Directive 85/337/EEC, which is implemented in Britain primarily through the 1988 Town and Country Planning (Assessment of Environmental Effects) Regulations. Ecology provides analytical procedures for studying relationships between organisms and their environment and therefore has an obvious role in EA. The […]


The Risks and Opportunities of Translating Terrestrial Biodiversity Offsets to the Marine Realm

Nicole Shumway, James E. M. Watson, Megan I Saunders, Martine Maron

Biodiversity compensation policy programs such as offsetting are increasingly being expanded to the marine realm. We reviewed the literature on biodiversity offsets and related compensatory policy to determine where marine offset policies occur. We also identified the most important differences between marine and terrestrial systems that are likely to have implications for how offsetting is […]


Compensatory mitigation as a solution to fisheries bycatch-biodiversity conservation conflicts

Chris Wilcox, C. Josh Donlan - The Ecological Society of America, The Ecological Society of America

Globally, fisheries catch of non-target species has major environmental impacts, resulting in social conflict, litigation, and fisheries closures. We use a bio-economic approach to demonstrate that compensatory mitigation – an innovative, market-influenced approach to fishery–conservation conflicts – can facilitate high-value uses of biological resources and cost-effective conservation gains for species of concern. We illustrate the […]


The NSW Wetlands Management Policy

Government of Australia

It is the policy of the NSW Government to: encourage the management of the wetlands of the State so as to halt and where possible, reverse: loss of wetland vegetation; declining water quality; declining natural productivity; loss of biological diversity; and declining natural flood mitigation.