Draft Native Vegetation Regulation 2004: Regulatory Impact Statement

Government of Australia

The proposed Regulation is titled the Native Vegetation Regulation 2004 (NVR 2004) under the Native Vegetation Act 2003 (NV Act). The Minister for Natural Resources is the proponent and the Minister responsible for making the Regulation.


Structuring Environmental Offsets for a Sustainable Advantage

Tony van Merwyk, Simmon Daddo

Formal offsets policy in many jurisdictions now provides that the environment will gain (or suffer no net loss) from a proposal even if the proposal will result in “acceptable” adverse environment impacts. In order for a proposal that will have impacts (even after all usual mitigatory measures are taken) to be favourably assessed, it must […]


Federal Guidance on Protection and Mitigation of Difficult To Replace Aquatic Resources Under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act

Government of the United States

This document provides interagency guidance on the special emphasis given to protection of wetlands and other aquatic resources (hereafter collectively referred to as aquatic resources) for which compensatory mitigation through restoration or creation is not feasible or scientifically viable. These are termed difficult to replace (DTR) aquatic resources. Additionally, this document provides guidance on compensatory […]


ChevronTexaco in San Joaquin Valley , California : Participating in a Major Habitat Conservation Plan to Protect the Natural Habitat and Endangered Species

International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association

In the valley floor of Kern County, California, a major habitat conservation plan has been under way for 10 years to safeguard the remaining areas of natural habitat and a number of endangered plant and animal species. ChevronTexaco represents the Western States Petroleum Association on the steering committee for the conservation plan, but is now […]


Ambatovy Case Study – 2009

Pierre O Berner, Steven Dickinson, Aristide Andrianarimisa - Ambatovy, Golder Associates, Wildlife Conservation Society

A case study of the Ambatovy project biodiversity offset in Madagascar. Published in May 2009.


Ecological Assessment of Proposed Road Developments

A Review of Environmental Statements

Jo Treweek, Stewart Thompson

The European and UK legislation on environmental assessment (EA) J as well as requiring assessment of significant ecological effects, also requires development proponents to recommend mitigation measures for adverse impacts. Drawing on a review of proposed ecological mitigation measures in 194 environmental statements (ES) for UK development proposals, this paper highlights problems with the current […]


A global snapshot of marine biodiversity offsetting policy

Holly J. Niner, Ben Milligan, Peter J.S. Jones, Craig A. Styan - University College London, Australia, Centre for Law and Environment, University College London, Department of Geography, University College London, University College London, Australia

Biodiversity offsetting is used in diverse policy contexts to reduce, halt or reverse losses of biodiversity arising from development or other uses of the natural environment. Despite increasing interest in the concept of biodiversity offsetting, relatively little attention has been devoted to investigating its use in marine environments. This paper presents a systematic review of […]


Integrating invasive mammal eradications and biodiversity offsets for fisheries bycatch: conservation opportunities and challenges for seabirds and sea turtles

C. Josh Donlan, Chris Wilcox - Biol Invasions, Biol Invasions

The removal of invasive mammals from islands is one of society’s most powerful tools for preventing extinctions and restoring ecosystems. Given the demonstrable high conservation impact and return on investment of eradications, new networks are needed to fully leverage invasive mammal eradications programs for biodiversity conservation at-large. There have been over 800 invasive mammal eradications […]


Native Vegetation Act 2003 No 103

Government of Australia

An Act relating to the sustainable management and conservation of native vegetation; to repeal the Native Vegetation Conservation Act 1997; and for other purposes. [Assented to 11 December 2003]


Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 on the Conservation of Natural Habitats of Wild Fauna and Flora: Annex IV

European Union

The species listed in this Annex are indicated: by the name of species or subspecies, or by the body of species belonging to a higher taxon or to a designated part of that taxon.