Biodiversity Offset Design Handbook Appendicies – 2009


This companion volume of Appendices to the BBOP Offset Design Handbook offers readers a summary of a sample of methodologies relevant to biodiversity offsets and some references on them for further reading. Some approaches are required or recommended by government policies; some are the subject of the lending requirements of banks; some are still under […]


Estándar sobre compensaciones por perdida de Biodiversidad


Spanish translation of BBOP Standard


Natural Alliances between Conservationists and Indigenous Peoples

Michael Painter, Kent Redford - WCS, WCS

The survival of both indigenous peoples and much of what remains of nature lies in the ability of both sides to find common ground. However, parks and protected areas have become the focus of conflict between conservationists and indigenous peoples. This antipathy is based on differing views about the nature of human impact on the […]


Upper South East Dryland Salinity and Flood Management Act 2002

Government of Australia

An Act to provide for a scheme to protect and improve the environment and agricultural production in the Upper South East through the proper conservation and management of water and the initiation or implementation by the Government of the State of works and environmental management programs and other initiatives; to make related amendments to the […]


A Representative Sample of all Biodiversity Pattern

Kristal Maze

We need to conserve a representative sample of all biodiversity pattern (representation), ecological processes (persistence), and critical natural capital values.


Indicators for Assessing Progress Towards, and Communicating, the 2010 Target at the Global Level

In response to the request of the Conference of the Parties in paragraph 6 of its decision VII/30, the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group (AHTEG) on Indicators for Assessing Progress Towards the 2010 Biodiversity Target met in Montreal from 19 to 22 October 2004 to (i) review the use of the indicators listed in column […]


Scoping Study for the Design and Use of Biodiversity Offsets in an English Context

Final Report to Defra

Treweek et al. 2009

In 2007, the UK’s Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) identified the need to explore new policy options, including market creation in biodiversity or incentives for biodiversity “such as biodiversity offsets”, particularly to reduce rates of loss of non-designated sites and features. In 2008, Defra commissioned a scoping study for the design and […]


The Role of Monitoring and Compliance in Securing Better Biodiversity Outcomes through Offsetting Arrangements

Dr Matt Baber - Tonkin & Taylor

This report investigates the role of monitoring and compliance in securing better conservation outcomes through biodiversity offsetting arrangements under the Resource Management Act. The report provides: * an overview of the resource consent monitoring purpose and process under the RMA; * an assessment of the resource consent monitoring process in relation to biodiversity offsets; * […]


Conservation when nothing stands still: moving targets and biodiversity offsets

Joseph Bull, Kenwyn B Suttle, Navinder J Singh, EJ Milner-Gulland - Imperial College London, Imperial College London, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Imperial College London

Conservation is particularly difficult to implement for “moving targets”, such as migratory species or landscapes subject to environmental change. traditional conservation strategies involving static tools (eg protected areas that have fixed spatial boundaries) may be ineffective for managing species whose ranges are changing. This shortfall needs to be addressed urgently. More dynamic conservation-based approaches have […]


The Value of the IUCN Red List for Business Decision-Making

Leon Bennun, Eugenie C. Regan, Jeremy Bird, Jan-Willem van Bochove, Vineet Katariya, Suzanne Livingstone, Robin Mitchell, Conrad Savy, Malcolm Starkey, Helen Temple, John D. Pilgrim - The Biodiversity Consultancy, The Biodiversity Consultancy, The Biodiversity Consultancy, The Biodiversity Consultancy, The Biodiversity Consultancy, The Biodiversity Consultancy, The Biodiversity Consultancy, International Finance Corporation, The Biodiversity Consultancy, The Biodiversity Consultancy, The Biodiversity Consultancy

The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species provides assessments of extinction risk for over 80,000 species. It has become an important tool for conservation and for informing natural resource policy and management more broadly. Over the last 10–15 years, the role of the Red List in business decision-making has become increasingly significant. We describe the […]