REDD+ in Vietnam
Integrating National and Subnational Approaches
By Phuc Xuan To, Robert O'Sullivan, Jacob Olander, Slayde Hawkins, Pham Quoc Hung, Noriyoshi Kitamura - Forest Trends, Climate Focus, Forest Trends, Forest Trends, Vietnam Administration of Forestry, Japan International Cooperation Agency View PublicationThe international REDD+ community is still struggling with the question how a future REDD+ mechanism may be implemented in practice, both internationally under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and domestically within countries. There is a general consensus that emission reductions and removals must ultimately be accounted for at the national level. The Nested REDD+ approach has been discussed widely in this context, in which projects and/or subnational programs are integrated into higher-level accounting which can help provide a coherent picture of how a set of projects, policies and measures are contributing to countries´ progress in reducing emissions.
This new report, which was funded by NORAD and DFID, provides background information and preliminary advice to the Government of
Vietnam and stakeholders in Vietnam on how to integrate national and subnational approaches to REDD+ in Vietnam.