The Role of Monitoring and Compliance in Securing Better Biodiversity Outcomes through Offsetting Arrangements
By Dr Matt Baber - Tonkin & Taylor View PublicationThis report investigates the role of monitoring and compliance in securing better conservation outcomes through biodiversity offsetting arrangements under the Resource Management Act. The report provides:
* an overview of the resource consent monitoring purpose and process under the RMA;
* an assessment of the resource consent monitoring process in relation to biodiversity offsets;
* identification of key issues, constraints, and impediments to effective and efficient processes; and
* options, solutions, and recommendations to help ensure the resource consent monitoring and compliance process functions effectively for biodiversity offsetting.
The purpose of this research paper was to help inform the New Zealand Department of Conservation (DOC) research program; rather than be a product of the program. The paper does not represent DOC’s policy position but are some of the more compelling and insightful outputs of the research programme that may contribute to the formation of a position on what might represent best-practice in offsetting.
The report was prepared by Dr Matt Baber of Tonkin & Taylor Ltd, and is based on a desktop literature review, in combination with findings from Marie Brown’s (University of Waikato) PhD research and the author’s regulatory experience.