We need a new normal for the planet.
Our current economic system relies on taking vital resources that provide food, medicine, and other everyday materials from the planet faster than they can be replenished. This puts us on a dead-end path and leaves nothing for future generations.
But instead of an economy that ignores or undervalues nature, we work to recalibrate markets to respect nature’s real value. When it comes to how our economy interacts with the environment – whether our water use, the way we grow our food, or our relationship with wildfire – we need to create a new normal where protecting nature for the long-term health of people and the planet is more valuable than destroying it for short-term gain.
Since 1999, Forest Trends has innovated new policy and financial instruments that align economies with the power of nature, giving us our best shot at addressing daunting challenges like climate change, water shortages, and force migration.