New York Climate Week: Carbon Finance for Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities
Madison Room, 101 Park Ave, New York, New York
September 20, 2023 | 11:45 – 12:45 PM
Location: Madison Room at the Nature Positive Hub
Convener(s): Peoples Forests Partnership, UC Center for Climate Justice, AMPB, Ford Foundation, One Earth, Forest Trends
Indigenous peoples and local communities (IPLCs) have successfully protected forests for generations. They are crucial partners to achieving our global climate goals. At this event, we’ll be hearing from IPLCs and their partners from the academic, non-profit, and private sectors. The discussion will focus on meaningful consultation of and direct access to finance for communities:
- What are the IPLC experiences with carbon finance? How has it benefited them? What challenges do they face?
- What features would they like to see in the climate finance space that would best support their communities?
- How can carbon finance be used as a tool to support IPLC rights and reinforce their leadership roles as traditional stewards of our forests?
- What mechanisms and frameworks might better drive climate finance to IPLCs?
- How can these solutions be scaled up?
- Joseph Mwakima, Community Engagement Manager, Wildlife Works Kasigau Corridor REDD+ Project, Kenya
- Francisca Arara, Extraordinary Secretary for Indigenous Peoples of the state of Acre, Brazil
- José Gualinga, Sarayaku Peoples representative
- Aissatou Oumarou, Indigenous Leader of the Network of Indigenous and Local Populations for the Sustainable Management of Forest Ecosystems in Central Africa (REPALEAC)
- Tracey Osborne, Director, UC Center for Climate Justice
- Gustavo Sánchez, Founding Member, Peoples Forest Partnership
- Beto Borges, Director, Communities and Territorial Governance Initiative, Forest Trends // Secretariat Lead, Peoples Forest Partnership