COP27: Unlocking Direct Finance for Forest Communities: A Call for Community-Led Conservation
Sharm El Sheik
November 11 | 5:00-6:00pm
Location: The Egypt Hall
Conveners: Peoples Forest Partnership, Global Landscapes Forum
This event brings together a live, interactive panel of Indigenous Peoples and Local Community (IPLC) representatives, on-the-ground practitioners who are strong advocates for global forest communities, and experts from the carbon markets for a discussion on what strategic action is needed to direct climate finance towards securing and protecting IPLC lands, and in turn helping countries achieve their climate targets and commitments.
The event will allow experts to unpack jurisdictional approaches to conservation finance and will touch on how we can ensure equitable investment partnerships with underrepresented demographics to enable greater participation in the carbon markets to achieve the best for both the people and the planet.
- Francisca Arara, President, Regional Committee for Partnership with Indigenous Peoples and Traditional Population
- Pasang Dolma Sherpa, Executive Director, Center for Indigenous Peoples’ Research and Development (CIPRED)
- Mark Kenber
- Anna Lehmann, Global Climate Policy Director, Wildlife Works Carbon
- Christie Magerkurth
Deborah Sanchez; Forest, Climate, and Biodiversity Coordinator; Mesoamerican Alliance of People and Forests (AMBP)