COP27: Why direct and local climate finance for IPLCs is urgent now
Sharm El Sheik
November 14, 2022 | 11:30am – 1:00pm
Location: COP27 Convention Center, Thebes (150)
Conveners: Forest Trends on behalf of Peoples Forest Partnership (PFP)
Only 3% of climate finance flows to Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities. To halt land degradation, reverse forest loss by 2030, direct and local climate funding must be delivered and it must reach grassroots actors who are on the front line of implementing nature-based solutions for climate change, protecting cultures and biodiversity.
- Oseas Barbarán, president of CONAP and shipibo lider
- Mateo Estrada- OPIAC and Peoples Forests Partnership
- Daniel Kobei, Ogiek Peoples Development Programme
- Zoe Quiroz Cullen, Director, Climate & Nature Linkages at Fauna & Flora International
- Gustavo Sanchez- AMPB and Peoples Forests Partnership