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Forest Trends at World Water Week 2017

Stockholm, Sweden City Conference Centre

Ecosystems, water, and health: The multiple dimensions of natural infrastructure 

Forest Trends is the lead convener of this event focused on operationalizing the many benefits of nature-based solutions for water. In particular, we will discuss how the multiple dimensions of health and well-being can be explicitly incorporated in designing natural infrastructure for water.

When: Thursday, August 31st from 11:00 – 12:30 CEST

Where: FH307

Irrigating forests with wastewater: Natural and effective water treatment 

Forest Trends (co-convener; SIWI lead convener) will be presenting cases from the southwestern US and highlight successful examples from around the world where wastewater is recirculated and cost-efficiently used to irrigate forests, closing the water cycle, recharging groundwater, and supporting vibrant forests.

Sunday, August 27th, 16:00 – 17:30 CEST in NL 357

From Global Policy to Local Project: Managing Water through NDCs

Forest Trends (co-convener; AGWA lead convener) discuss how global climate policy is reshaping technical and political cooperation, synergies, and tensions between governance levels, sectors, and countries.

Sunday, August 27th, 16:00 – 17:30 CEST in NL Auditorium/Aulan.

The Role of Green Infrastructure Investments in Meeting Global Commitments 

Forest Trends (co-convener & participant; The Nature Concervancy lead convener) will discuss how green infrastructure investments are being made to meet multiple goals. The event will explore global, to national, to local cases.

Tuesday, August 29th, 11:00 – 12:30 CEST in FH Congress Hall C